We know our adjustments are powerful, but there’s another key factor that elevates the patient’s experience: certainty in communication. The most consistent time and place to share masterful communication is tableside at each adjustment. Now, imagine that you have available visual reports and objective digital examination scan data to capture your patient’s attention. We call that scan-centric table talk, which isn’t just about sharing data—it’s about inspiring confidence in your patients. And that’s the focus of today’s strategy: Inspiring Confidence. 

The Power of Certainty in Chiropractic 

I often say, “You’ll get paid to the level that you communicate with certainty.” It’s more than just a mantra—it’s a cornerstone of successful practice. Our expertise goes beyond performing adjustments; it’s about reinforcing the certainty of what we do, both in words and results. 

But how do we do that effectively? By presenting or discussing their health-related findings backed by objective data. This is where INSiGHT scanning becomes invaluable.  It’s the fastest, most compelling method of managing the conversation and instilling confidence in your patients.  It’s one thing to tell the chiropractic story. It’s another to have them understand and see your commitment to excellence by looking deeper into their functioning nervous system. INSiGHT scans turn complex neurological changes into a clear, measurable narrative your patients can understand. 

Real Results = Real Conversations 

Let’s paint a picture. 

Imagine Mary, one of your regular patients, is coming in for her progress exam. She’s been following her care plan, but today’s the day she’ll see the proof in her results. Now, you could simply hand her the numbers and leave it at that, but that’s not where the magic happens. 

Instead, with scan-centric table talk, your conversation might go something like this: 

“Mary, your CORESCORE is now 74, up from 68. This change confirms your commitment to following the care plan we laid out for you. Each adjustment builds on the one before and actually imprints that change into the spinal nerves and nerve connections all the way to the brain. A higher score means your nervous system is learning how to stay calm and become more efficient.” 

Within seconds, you’ve not only communicated progress but also created a deeper connection. You’re not just delivering numbers and pictures; you’re empowering Mary with confidence in her care and in you as her chiropractor. 

Scan-Centric Conversations Build Trust 

It’s easy to think that patients are coming to us solely for relief from symptoms. But long-term success in chiropractic care isn’t just about feeling better—it’s about functioning better. 

When you’re able to say, “Helping you feel better is important, but making your body and spine function optimally is the real goal,” you’re taking the conversation to the next level. This is where INSiGHT scanning is essential. The scans provide the objective findings that allow you to reinforce the value of continuing watchful and professionally delivered care. 

Imagine how powerful it is when you ask your patient: 

“Have you noticed improved sleep, clearer thinking, or perhaps easier spinal movements?”. They may have been thinking back pain and symptoms but now you have the data that shows their entire nervous system is responding! 

Certainty Drives Patient Retention 

It’s no secret—certainty inspires trust, and trust leads to patient retention. Your scan-centric table talk is what connects the dots between adjustments, data, and patient experience. By delivering clear, confident communication with the backing of objective INSiGHT scans, you’re inviting your patients into a story that they can see, feel, and believe in. 

So, take a moment to audit your table talk. Are you fostering trust? Are you presenting your findings in a way that builds confidence? Are you leveraging the INSiGHT to support your messaging?   

I challenge you to elevate your table talk, inspire confidence, and revolutionize your practice—one scan, one conversation, and one patient at a time! Thousands of doctors have taken this challenge and scan every patient at every exam so they can adjust and communicate with confidence and certainty. 

Chat with our team today or to dive deeper in this topic, download our Scan Centric Table Talk eBook! 

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Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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