Health & Wellness Summit

Kalahari Resort 1305 Kalahari Drive, Wisconsin Dells, United States

Join CLA as we exhibit our latest wireless technology at the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin 4th annual Health & Wellness Summit. Life University will be sponsoring the CE for the Summit.  Come, enjoy […]

Health & Wellness Summit

Kalahari Resort 1305 Kalahari Drive, Wisconsin Dells, United States

Join CLA as we exhibit our latest wireless technology at the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin 4th annual Health & Wellness Summit. Life University will be sponsoring the CE for the Summit.  Come, enjoy […]

Pure & Powerful

Four Points Sheraton - Toronto 6257 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontatio, Canada

Join CLA as we attend the Pure and Powerful Chiropractic Meeting. At this meeting they will be discussing the following topics: Work daily to expand their perception of Universal and Innate […]

Pure & Powerful

Four Points Sheraton - Toronto 6257 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontatio, Canada

Join CLA as we attend the Pure and Powerful Chiropractic Meeting. At this meeting they will be discussing the following topics: Work daily to expand their perception of Universal and Innate […]

Facebook Live with Dr. Fletcher

Dr. Fletcher has scheduled a Facebook LIVE on Monday, November 13th to shed some light on how you can leverage postural energy in your office. As a bonus, he will be interpreting a REAL neuroCORE scan. In fact, if you currently have a neuroCORE scan you want help deciphering, email our team at - […]

Facebook Live with Dr. Fletcher

Dr. Fletcher has scheduled a Facebook LIVE on Monday, November 13th to shed some light on how you can leverage postural energy in your office. As a bonus, he will be interpreting a REAL neuroCORE scan. In fact, if you currently have a neuroCORE scan you want help deciphering, email our team at - […]
