Q: How long does it typically take to implement the INSiGHT into my practice?
A: You will receive your login credentials almost immediately after purchase. Then, you and your team can access the training videos. This will create excitement about integrating the INSiGHT into your patient flow. Within a few hours of hands on testing and training the INSiGHT can begin to be used in regular patient flow. It has multiple fail-safe scanning systems in place to assure accurate collection. The goal is to reexamine existing patients over the first 3 months of introducing the technology.

Q: How often should I perform scans on my patients?
A: CLA recommends that initial scans be performed on all new and reactivated patients.  Re-scans are necessary to track improvements and can be done at regular intervals of every 10-12 visits or more often if indicated. With ongoing care plans of less visit frequency, scans should be scheduled quarterly.

Q: What is the average time it takes to perform a scan?
A: Depending on which INSiGHT instruments you purchased, the average scan time can range between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. A comprehensive CORESCORE exam takes under 8 minutes total.

Q: If I use scans, should I still use X-rays in my examinations?
A: INSiGHT scans measure the functional, active, neural signals in the autonomic, motor and sensory systems.  X-rays show the passive, end results of postural change and disease. Many CLA clients use both technologies: the INSiGHT to identify the how stress and tension activity is changing a person’s health and x-rays to look at the static, end effects in the spine and how adjustments and subluxations have made their deeper, structural changes. The two tests complement one another.

Q: Is the INSiGHT technology backed by validity and reliability research and are the scans reproducible?
A: Each INSiGHT instrument is engineered to collect precision, biomedical data based on validated research protocols. The intra-examiner and intra-exam reliability is deemed to be very good to excellent.

Q: What can I charge for the INSiGHT scanning tests?
A: On average, clients who use the INSiGHT charge patients an initial examination fee ranging from $75-$125. The exact amount depends on several factors such as: the location of your practice and your overall pricing structure. The recommended re-examination fee is minimally, the fee of one cash visit in your office.

Q: Can I use the INSiGHT scans as documentation for PI and Workers Comp cases?
A: Yes, objective documentation is key, and the INSiGHT technology has been used in many cases over the years to document a patient’s necessity for care. Generally, the static sEMG, Dynamic EMG, Wireless Dual Inclinometer for range of motion, along with the Algometer are used to show this objective necessity for care.

Q: Can my staff perform the scans, and what’s the average time it takes to perform a scan?
A: Many INSiGHT clients have their staff perform the scans on patients. Please note, it is always the responsibility of any practitioner to ensure that staff can perform examinations in their jurisdiction.

Q: Can you scan children with the INSiGHT Technology, if so, what is the youngest age you can scan them?
A: Yes, infants and children can safely and accurately be scanned at the following ages:

  • Newborn and toddlers: neuroPULSE (HRV) and neuroTHERMAL
  • 4 years old and older: neuroCORE (EMG)
  • Adults: all instruments including the spineROM and spineSENSE (Algometry)

Q: Can I use the INSiGHT Technologies on pregnant patients? 
A: INSiGHT scanning technologies are Class II FDA registered devices that meet rigorous compliance standards. The INSiGHT scanning technologies are manufactured and tested in an ISO 13485 registered medical device facility located in Massachusetts, USA. Each of the scanning technologies has also been tested for safety and electromagnetic compatibility by a certified, independent testing laboratory for adherence to IEC 60601 standards. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and no restrictions on patient age.

Q: Can I use the INSiGHT Technologies on patients that have pacemakers?
A: Pacemakers invalidate the use of HRV as there is only artificial variability (HR is controlled). A pacemaker artificially regulates both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity by pacing the heart. There is little to no variability in a person who has a pacemaker.

SEMG and thermal scanning – The beating heart in the chest is the prime neuromuscular artifact that EMG scanning detects. It’s a classic background frequency that is “removed” or washed through EMG analytical software. The use of HRV, thermal and sEMG are all considered safe processes for someone with a pacemaker as these instruments do not emit energy that could alter any rhythms   Feel free to keep using the sEMG and thermal scanning to track improvement.

Q: What’s is happening when a patient’s re-scans look” worse” over time?
A:  All healing uses energy and as the deeper subluxations unwind, the body can increase the motor and autonomic nerve system activity as it reorganizes. Be patient. Subsequent scans invariably show a calming response and pattern. An initial three scan protocol is recommended for this reason. It is suggested that you follow this sequence:  Baseline Exam – Progress Exam – Comparative Exam and Continuation Exams.

Q: What is the pairing code number to connect the Bluetooth to the neuroTHERMAL with myINSiGHT software?
A: The pairing code is “0”.

Q: What are the differences between CLA’s INSiGHT Scanning Operating Systems?

Learn more about INSiGHT Scanning Software here.

Q: How do I update my software subscription?
A: Follow the instructions depending on what software you use:

myINSiGHT™ software subscribers: We are excited to have recently enhanced our payment procedures for client using the myINSiGHT software. You now have the choice to renew on a monthly or annual basis.

To reactive or update your myINSiGHT software subscription:

  • Log into your myINSiGHT Account
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Subscription
  • Add your billing information

Synapse software subscribers: To reactivate or update your Synapse software subscription:

  • Follow the instructions in this link here and here.
  • Please note that the billing information can only be updated from a web browser not from an iPad.

*If you have any questions regarding your subscription, please reach out to info@insightcla.com

Q: What does your myINSiGHT and Synapse software subscription include:
A: The software subscription includes

  • Unlimited, secure patient data access and storage in CLA cloud server
  • Unlimited live Technical Support
  • CORESCORE reporting (generated from combining EMG, Thermal & HRV scans)
  • neuroLINK patient education system
  • All software updates
  • Access to the INSiGHT Academy (a comprehensive learning management system)

Q: Will legacy software be supported to run the used equipment?
A: The laptop-based software, version 7.0 -9.2.11 was retired from active support as of December 31, 2017. All clients were instructed to migrate to the cloud-based myINSiGHT platform at that time. The laptop software was designed for the original Millennium instruments cannot be supported any longer.

Q: What are the minimum iPad and system requirements to use our latest software version called Synapse?

A: Synapse is designed to operate in a secure/password protected 2.4 GHz / 5.0 GHz connection that is not VLAN isolated or subnetted. Your network should operate at 70%+ signal strength on your SSID broadcast, which is considered industry standard. All in one modems are not recommended.

To operate Synapse, you must have an iPad that has iOS version 11 or higher. It is recommended that you select an iPad that has fingerprint authentication for ease of Synapse App access.

With respect to the storage, the Synapse app itself requires approximately 275 MB of space.  As the service is cloud based, your patient scans and reports are not locally stored on your iPad so a large amount of local storage is not required for Synapse.”

An internet connection is needed for the initial set-up of your INSiGHT technologies. After you setup your technologies, Synapse can operate without internet for limited amounts of time.

NOTE: If you have an INSiGHT Bridge, and operate Synapse INSiGHT Bridge Mode, Synapse INSiGHT Bridge mode will not operate or onboard to hospitality/hotel or guest network configurations. Also, Synapse INSiGHT Bridge mode will not work on a 5.0 GHz network

Q: Is an iPad required to use Synapse? 

A: Synapse is an iOS App. It operates on an iPad. To operate Synapse, you must have an iPad that has iOS version 12 or higher. Certain features of Synapse (i.e., creating Patients) can be accessed from a computer web browser; but, you must perform scans from the iPad Synapse App.

Q: What are the minimum computer system requirements to use our older software version called myINSiGHT?
A: The myINSiGHT™ software application is compatible with Windows Operating Systems 8, 10 & 11 on a 64-bit computer. It is required that the computer have a minimum 8 GB Ram, 120 GB Hard Drive, Intel CORE i5 or i7 processor, and integrated Bluetooth. A minimum display screen resolution of 1024dpi X 768pdi is required. Please note that a solid-state drive (SSD) will significantly improve performance of the software as it improves the speed of the processing.


Q: How do I access INSiGHT Academy?
A: Accessing the INSiGHT Academy is easy. The INSiGHT Academy is always free for software subscriberes and includes 5 Courses with 75 video lessons that provide great background of everything you need to know about the INSiGHT. The INSiGHT Academy is a hosted on a learning platform called Kajabi and it requires you to create a separate account for each user

myINSiGHT™ software subscribers: To create your INSiGHT Academy Membership, click here.

Synapse software subscribers: To create your INSiGHT Academy Membership, click here

If you need help to set up INSiGHT Academy, please reach out to info@insightcla.com

Q: How can I download the INSiGHT User Manual?
A: Follow the instructions depending on what software you use:

myINSiGHT™ software subscribers:

Synapse software subscribers:

Q: Can I trade in my old INSiGHT wired technology for the new wireless neuroTECH?

A: Yes, of course! Your CLA area Sales Advisor is the best way to get pricing and details.  Contact us by email at info@insightcla.com

Q: How do I set up a Tech Support case?
A: To set up a Tech Support case schedule an appointment online by clicking here. Alternatively, email support@insightcla.com.

Q: How do I request access to the INSiGHT CLA Facebook Forum?
A: Please send a request to join the group through Facebook. Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours. Please note that this is a clinical and best-practices forum. Technical Support questions should be answered by Tech Support Team Members.  As well, the INSiGHT CLA forum does not approve posts that promote outside products or events.

Q: How do I get listed on www.insightchiros.com ?
A: INSiGHT Chiros is an online directory to make sure your Patients have INSiGHT wherever they go. All practices using INSiGHT Scanning Technology with active Software Subscriptions are listed in the INSiGHT Chiros Directory.

  1. If you use myINSiGHT software don’t see your practice listed, visit insightcla.com/managelisting/.
  2. If you use Synapse software, make sure your Practice Location information is up to date in the Doctor Portal. If you practice in the US, click here. If you practice outside of the US, click here.

Q: Can I use all models of Equipment in my practice?
A: No, some of the original instruments were designed with analog processing and cannot be used or supported any longer. They are:

  • Insight 7000 EMG console with thermal probes
  • Millennium M1 and M2 series (look on bottom of console for the serial number beginning with M1 or M2)
  • T1 Thermal devices
  • Pulse Wave Profiler (PWP) devices with Serial Numbers of PW#11500 or less
  • Wired inclinometers
  • Any EMG sensor leads beginning with K1-7

Note: If you are considering purchasing pre-owned technologies, these models of equipment cannot be used in your practice. If you have any questions about pre-owned technologies, please refer to the pre-owned FAQ section.

Note: If you practice outside of the United States, the Millennium M3 and Wired Algometers, in addition to the above models listed, cannot be repaired by CLA.

Read this before you buy pre-owned technologies. Innovation is at the heart of CLA! We are solution drivers, continuously advancing INSiGHT scanning. We continue to advance our technologies. All of our technologies are now wireless, and recently we brought the newest version of the INSiGHT neuroTHERMAL to market. The T4 brings even stronger processing power and onscreen navigation to an already stellar scanning tech. In 2022, we enhanced our Bluetooth capabilities in the neuroCORE, neuroTHERMAL and neuroPULSE technologies. The enhanced Bluetooth capability allows direct connection with an iPad to allow for seamless scanning experience. Purchasing an earlier versions of the INSiGHT does not allow you to experience all of these changes. 

Q: I am considering purchasing pre-owned INSiGHT technologies. Should I? 
A: It is important to note INSiGHT scanning technologies are registered Class II medical devices, with FDA, CE and Health Canada registration and their use is strictly regulated. They must be registered to a specific regulated Health Practitioner. The registered user is the responsible owner of the technology they purchase. The registered user, the associated INSiGHT scanning technologies, and the office name must be onboarded to a HIPAA secure data server which provides data collection, ensures patient privacy, and has secure storage capabilities. To enact this type of transfer, a Transfer of Ownership (TOO) process is necessary. The cost for a TOO begins at $1,199 (USD) plus a new Bridge if you are using Synapse. The Price of an INSiGHT Bridge is $999 (USD). Please keep this in mind as you consider the cost of purchasing used INSiGHT technologies.

Please note that not all INSiGHT technologies qualify for this transfer. This includes earlier generations of INSiGHT instruments and the INSiGHT Bridge which must be purchased new from CLA to maintain patient data integrity.

Q: Can I use all models of used equipment in my practice?
A: No, some of the original instruments were designed with analog processing and cannot be used any longer. They are:

  • Insight 7000 EMG console with thermal probes
  • Millennium M1 series (look on bottom of console for the serial number beginning with M1 or M2)
  • Millennium M2 series
  • Wired Pulse Wave Profilers with Serial Number #PW115000 or less
  • Thermal T1 series
  • Thermal T2 series
  • Wired inclinometers
  • Any EMG sensor leads beginning with K1-7

Note: If you practice outside of the United States, the Millennium M3 and Wired Algometers, in addition to the above models listed, cannot be repaired by CLA.

Still interested in pre-owned technology?  CLA offers factory refurbished systems that come loaded with updated software. All Transfer of Ownership is included. Click here for pricing.

Q: Will the old software be supported to run the used equipment?
A: The laptop based software, version 7.0-9.2.11 was retired from active support on December 31, 2017. All clients were instructed to migrate to the cloud-based myINSiGHT platform by that time. This laptop software was designed for the original Millennium instruments that are over 20 years ago and can no longer be supported. CLA’s technologies have advanced significantly and represent state of the art programming to deliver enhanced scanning.

Q: What are some of the considerations when purchasing pre-owned INSiGHT technologies?
A: Pre-owned INSiGHT tech is NOT guaranteed or warrantied by CLA Inc. All warranties are voided when transferred. When considering purchasing from a third party, be aware that a Transfer of Ownership fee and a release from the original owner must be paid for and completed for each INSiGHT system being purchased. A new and fully activated CLA subscription must be in place to process scan data. The anticipated savings when buying used equipment must be evaluated when purchasing Class II medical devices that are not warrantied or guaranteed to be accurate and reliable and should be considered as being purchased “as is”.  The INSiGHT manufacturer and CLA Inc. do not offer pre-purchase inspection services on pre-owned technologies.  Remote inspections by the CLA technical support team are not available either.

Q: I want to enact a Transfer of Ownership.
A: To begin the Transfer of Ownership process, please fill out the information on this form and a CLA team member will reach out.
