Take your Chiropractic Practice to the Next Level

Get Powerful Neurological Scanning Results for Your Patients

There’s nothing more important to health and performance than a well adjusted nervous system

The INSiGHT neuroTECH perfectly blends advanced scanning technologies with intuitive reporting. By combining Heart Rate Variability, Surface EMG and Thermography, a neural profile is created for any age of patient. These objective examination results create a single-number CORESCORE that informs and inspires your patients. It’s neuroscience at your fingertips.

Look beyond symptoms with the INSiGHT neuroTECH

The INSiGHT neuroTECH is a proven solution that delivers objective findings and powerful reports so you can build wellness care plans that go beyond pain and symptoms, keeping the communication clear and on purpose.

neuroPULSE (HRV)

Test, Don’t Guess! CLA’s neuroPULSE calculates Heart Rate Variability (HRV), arousal levels and temperature, providing an in-depth measurement of adaptability. From newborns to seniors, HRV is the ideal, non-spinal test that confirms chiropractic’s impact on health and performance.

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neuroCORE (sEMG)

Surface EMG scans the neurology that maintains posture and spinal movements. It’s the ideal strategy for measuring the combined outcomes of postural and neuromuscular exhaustion.

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neuroTHERMAL (Thermal)

Thermographic scanning detects patterns of unbalanced temperature regulation, expanding the chiropractic story beyond the spine by exploring the deeper nerve connections that control organs and glands and skin temperature.

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Create A Complete Neural Profile

By combining three scanning technologies, a complete neural profile is created, changing the conversation from pain to performance!

    The neuroTECH delivers a series of CORESCORE “neurological report cards” that inform your patients so they remain committed to their care plans. This single-number score is loved by both chiropractors and patients


    The neuroTECH pinpoints the impact that subluxations have on the well-being of children and adults. Looking beyond spinal alignment and symptoms confirms your commitment to clinical excellence


    Objective neuro-spinal scans and CORESCORES create greater certainty when recommending ongoing wellness care. Retention skyrockets when the neuroTECH becomes the hub of examinations and reporting

The Power Of CLA’s Synapse Software

Precise, Reliable and Reproducible are words that researchers and chiropractors use when describing INSiGHT technologies
Create ‘neurological report cards’ with the INSiGHT, Powered by Synapse
  • Adult and Children’s CORESCORE reports are neurological report cards, used to track improvements and plan ongoing care
  • INSiGHT software provides built-in interpretation and reporting, simplifying care planning and increasing patient compliance
  • Reports are customizable so it looks and feels like your practice
  • neuroLINK connects scan results with education! It shows the connection between spinal nerves and the organs and glands, all with research references
The INSiGHT makes the Invisible, Visible! It’s ‘neuroscience at your fingertips’
  • Hidden spinal and neural stress patterns are instantly detected by INSiGHT scanning
  • As Chiropractic adjustments ignite new neural and muscular activity, INSiGHT scans report how the body is responding. Progress exams have never been more compelling
  • Colorful and informative scan reports can be printed, marked up, AirDropped, projected or sent to your patient’s devices from an iPad

CLA has led the Chiropractic Profession for over three decades We partner with Chiropractic’s finest


Trusted and Used by Chiropractors Around the World

Bringing your Chiropractic Expertise into Focus with INSiGHT

Join the community of Chiropractors transforming their practices with INSiGHT Scanning

Change your conversation with INSiGHT scans that focus on the nervous system.


Access over 20 reports to communicate your findings and educate your patients.


Access Chiropractic’s best online scanning education platform to understand the science and art of scanning.


CLA relentlessly creates and develops leading edge scanning experiences.


Screenings, Health Fairs, Patient Orientation classes come alive as you ‘show and tell’ scan results.


Get listed in our referral directory along with 1000s of other INSiGHT scanning offices around the world.

What is a CORESCORE?

Adult and Children’s CORESCOREs are built to provide a visual and numeric method for patients to track their progress that shows their improvements and transitions through Initial, Progress, Comparative and Continuation CORESCOREs. These reports help your patients understand the value of being under regular care by speaking to the trends and changeability seen in scores and scans.

Why should I scan the nervous system in an examination?

We all know that Chiropractic is more than simple back or neck therapy. It’s all about restoring FUNCTION which isn’t limited to the spine and joints. Adjustments target vertebral subluxations which affect the spine AND the nervous system. INSiGHT scanning allows the clinician to look deeply into the spinal nerve connections and understand the impact these subluxations have on the overall health of the patient. By using valid, reliable and reproducible scanning technologies, chiropractors can report objective data with a new confidence and deliver care plans that improve lives, not just spines.

Does the INSiGHT deliver reproducible data?

CLA’s engineers and software programmers, have combined forces to manufacture and provide unrivalled scanning technology that meets and exceeds FDA, Health Canada and international CE marked compliance standards. Designed and built in North America, the INSiGHT provides the precision and accuracy that clinical experts and research teams demand. The INSiGHT thermography, surface EMG, HRV and ROM technologies have been used in research projects that confirm its excellent test-retest and inter-examiner reliability. The INSiGHT scanning system has been a guiding force in chiropractic offices since 1992 and evolved to where it is the leading, innovative chiropractic neurofunctional analysis platform available. Thousands of offices around the world rely on the security and precision built into every INSiGHT scanning device.

How does scanning complement x-ray examinations?

X-rays can be an integral part of a chiropractic examination. They confirm the static alignment and bony changes associated with long term postural stress. INSiGHT technologies looks at the dynamic, neural signals in the motor, sensory and autonomic divisions. INSiGHT scans detect unhealthy stress patterns that affect the performance of the entire nervous system. They are essential in tracking improvements in spinal motion and nerve system function while under chiropractic care. Many offices combine the value of spinal x-rays with the ease and accuracy of INSiGHT scans.

I’ve heard that the purchase of an INSiGHT is an investment. Where does the ROI come from?

Its well known that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, an INSiGHT scan is worth thousands of added dollars in examination and reporting revenues. Having an INSiGHT system ensures a steady and growing stream of examination and re-exam revenue. The CORESCORE and neuroLINK reporting features ensure an educational and inspiring approach to care planning that extends far beyond symptoms. INSiGHT practitioners report with added confidence which means that retention and referrals become the natural way in which the office operates. Having consistent examination and reporting protocols also ensures that associate doctors are offering the same level of reporting expertise.

Do chiropractic techniques change the scans?

The INSiGHT technology seamlessly integrates with all chiropractic techniques being performed today. Adjustments that improve or alter the tone of the spine and nervous system will register those changes on the INSiGHT graphs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Story

Bringing INSiGHT to the Chiropractic message

Thirty years ago, CLA’s original Subluxation Station transformed chiropractic examinations and introduced technology as a way to analyze the devastating effects of spinal nerve interference

Today’s INSiGHT is so much more. It has evolved into a cloud based, ecosystem of neurological scanning technologies driven by powerful reporting and communication software

We serve a worldwide community of INSiGHT Chiros who scan and report to thousands of patients each day making an INSiGHT scan the the most important Chiropractic report card available

Fast Facts about INSiGHT CLA


CLA revolutionized objective, neurological exams for pediatric and family practices


#ChirosOfCLA perform 15k scans daily equating to ~ 4 million scans yearly


The INSIGHT is used by over 13,000 Chiropractors in 26 of countries


CLA is an active partner in research at leading Chiropractic Colleges

  • Report with greater certainty?
  • Move your message beyond symptoms?
  • Become a new patient magnet?
  • Impact the families in your community?

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