How New Doctors Grow their Practice with INSiGHT Scanning

Before INSiGHT Scanning

Comments from clients about how the INSiGHT changed their perspective
  • At school, the focus was on ortho-neuro tests that concentrated on managing spinal symptoms
    Dr. Tiffany Sood
  • It was almost impossible to explain the importance of having kids checked and adjusted without knowing about their nervous system
    Dr. Ali Prosper
  • I’d go to screenings and health fairs with a plastic spine and watch other chiros with the INSiGHT have lineups, as they scanned entire families at their booth
    Dr. Matt Hamilton

After INSiGHT Scanning

Change the Conversation

Shift the focus to the nervous system. Instantly show your patients how Chiropractic improves function and not just how they feel

Neurological Scan Results You Can Trust

Perform a comprehensive spinal-neural assessment on any aged patient to increase your confidence in providing reports and recommending care plans

Scans are about Detection and Correction

Chiropractic adjustments ignite new neural and muscular activity while restoring greater ANS control. Scans detect problems and guide the path towards correction

CLA scans is where it’s at. If you are already using or are thinking about using CLA scans in your office, definitely reach out and I’ll give you my perspective! Also, integrating scans into your office is so easy when you use the INSiGHT Academy as your learning resource.

Dr. Trey Rodriguez

I started my practice at the very beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020. The sole reason why we were able to build a practice of 75 visits/week is because of Synapse. Knowing how to communicate RED, the ability to scan on the go, and being able to effortlessly generate reports is what lead us to being successful despite all of the circumstances against us. I could not imagine practice without the INSiGHT!

Dr. Jesse Ventosso

What is it that New Doctors find useful about INSiGHT Scanning?

Shift your focus to the nervous system
Care planning becomes simplified
Report progress using the CORESCORE
Attract ideal new patients of all ages
Build your confidence using objective findings
Communicate with greater certainty

Elevate Your Examinations with the INSiGHT

Let the accuracy of HRV, EMG and Thermography to deliver easy-to-understand findings about your patients health
  • Attract new patients by communicating exam findings using visually appealing scan views and reports
  • Help patients understand the chiropractic message using Adult or Children’s CORESCORE
  • Use the in-app interpretation and reporting guides to make ongoing care planning easy
  • Feel confident that your scan findings produce objective data to report with certainty

Are you Ready to Start Scanning?

Take 2 minutes to find out

Trusted and Used by Chiropractors Around the World

Our Latest Insights & Resources for You

What is the average time it takes to perform a scan?

Depending on which INSiGHT instruments you purchased, the average scan time can range between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. A comprehensive CORESCORE exam takes under 8 minutes total.

Is the INSiGHT technology backed by science validity, and are the scans reproducible?

Each INSiGHT instrument is engineered to collect precision, biomedical data based on validated research protocol. They rigorously adhere to test-retest reliability and intra and inter examiner reliability.

If I use scans, should I still use X-rays in my examinations?

INSiGHT scans measure the functional, active, neural signals in the autonomic, motor and sensory systems. X-rays show the passive, end results of postural change and disease. Many CLA clients use both technologies: the INSiGHT to identify the how stress and tension activity is changing a person’s health and x-rays to look at the static, end effects in the spine and how adjustments and subluxations have made their deeper, structural changes. The two tests complement one another.

Do chiropractic techniques change the scans?

The INSiGHT technology seamlessly integrates with all chiropractic techniques being performed today. Adjustments that improve or alter the tone of the spine and nervous system will register those changes on the INSiGHT graphs.

How do I learn to use the INSiGHT and train my team to use it?
We have a variety of resources that assist those new to scanning to learn to use the INSiGHT technologies and our software.
  • We have a fulsome Learning Management System called the INSiGHT Academy. This online learning platform has video lessons to help you master the use of your INSiGHT. It’s the complete system to onboard and train team members.
  • Our Synapse software was built to be intuitive with the idea that you and your staff could have the resources to master scanning quickly and efficiently. The Synapse App includes an in-app Help Section. This library of tutorials on scanning, interpretation and reporting that can be accessed at any time. It has detailed training for scanning, interpretation and reporting.
  • We have an on-line user manual that allows you to search by keywords.

Common Questions for New Doctors

INSiGHT Scanning Technologies Make the Invisible, Visible
