What’s New at INSiGHT CLA?

Get our latest wireless technologies

CLA’s wireless INSiGHT technologies have 30 years of research and development built into them. Our legacy instruments have been updated to reflect improvements that create the accuracy and speed required for scanning patients of all ages

Unlock the power of Synapse Software

Our wireless tech gives you access to Synapse, our latest software. It features scanning with an iPad, 20 reporting options, in-app tutorials, built-in interpretation and adult or children’s CORESCOREs. Print, text, mark up or project from an iPad to showcase your scans

Introducing the T4 – neuroTHERMAL

The T4 is CLA’s next generation of Thermal Scanning. This latest innovation features an on-board screen which displays segmental temperature readings and tracks thermal patterns as you scan. Enhanced Bluetooth capabilities makes connecting and scanning more efficient.

INSiGHT Academy

The INSiGHT Academy is scanning’s comprehensive scan learning platform. As a #ChiroOfCLA, you are part of a worldwide scanning movement and we want you to be trained to become scanning pros! CLA has designed three INSiGHT Academy Essentials courses to teach you and your team members how to scan with confidence and report with certainty.

Why Upgrade?

Future proof your practice

When you upgrade to our wireless neuroTECH, you invest in the best. You’ll be on the leading edge using our neurological scanning technologies and powerful reporting software. Join other elite chiropractors who set themselves apart as they transform entire communities with the INSiGHT at the hub of their practice

Future proof your practice

When you upgrade to our wireless neuroTECH, you invest in the best. You’ll be on the leading edge using our neurological scanning technologies and powerful reporting software. Join other elite chiropractors who set themselves apart as they transform entire communities with the INSiGHT at the hub of their practice

Future proof your practice

When you upgrade to our wireless neuroTECH, you invest in the best. You’ll be on the leading edge using our neurological scanning technologies and powerful reporting software. Join other elite chiropractors who set themselves apart as they transform entire communities with the INSiGHT at the hub of their practice

Increase your profitability

Exams and reports are the ‘backbone’ of every growing practice. Our new features, including a Children’s CORESCORE and the ability to scan from an iPad makes the decision to upgrade or add additional INSiGHT technologies easier than ever. CLA offers attractive 0% financing terms on your upgrade investment

Increase your profitability

Exams and reports are the ‘backbone’ of every growing practice. Our new features, including a Children’s CORESCORE and the ability to scan from an iPad makes the decision to upgrade or add additional INSiGHT technologies easier than ever. CLA offers attractive 0% financing terms on your upgrade investment

Increase your profitability

Exams and reports are the ‘backbone’ of every growing practice. Our new features, including a Children’s CORESCORE and the ability to scan from an iPad makes the decision to upgrade or add additional INSiGHT technologies easier than ever. CLA offers attractive 0% financing terms on your upgrade investment

Unlock the Power of Synapse

When upgrading to Wireless, you can experience CLA’s latest software, Synapse
  • Designed to perform optimally on an iPad
  • Provides access to a powerful cloud-based portal to ensure privacy and security of patient data allowing patient to and doctors to review scan results
  • Analyzes and calculates scan data using proprietary algorithms and converts it to easy to interpret reports for both doctors and patients
  • Allows for worldwide collection of clinical data for use in chiropractic research, related to objective outcomes, care planning and the adaptive power of the adjustment
  • An in-app research based guide supports examinations as screen prompts during scans
  • Access to INSiGHT Academy for Synapse. Essential for both DC and CA
Over 20 Customizable Report Options
In-App Support Tutorials
Dedicated INSiGHT Academy Course
Project, Text or Display Scans
Software Improvements and Updates
Scan Storage in HIPPA/GDPR Compliant Servers

Compare INSiGHT Scanning Software Operating Systems

Synapse (Latest Operating System)
  • Launched in 2021
  • Scan from an iPad
  • Report from an iPad, Mac or PC
  • Cloud-Based data security
  • Access 2 CORESCORES options: Adult and Children
  • Scan offline at screenings
  • 20+ reports to communicate objective findings
  • AirDrop, email, markup and project from an iPad
  • neuroLINK patient education within the app
  • Access to INSiGHT Academy training for DC and CA

*Interested in upgrading to Synapse, send us an email to info@insightcla.com to find out if you’re eligible

  • Revolutionized scanning in 2015
  • Cloud-Based data security
  • Scan from a desktop PC or Laptop
  • Access the Adult CORESCORE
  • neuroLINK patient education in the software
  • Access to INSiGHT Academy training for DC and CA

Are you ready to upgrade?

Join the wave of #ChirosOfCLA using wireless technologies and actively scanning with our latest INSiGHT Synapse Software

Are you using all that the INSiGHT has to Offer?

Your INSiGHT Software Subscription includes resources that help you become a scanning pro

See how other Chiropractors are Integrating the Latest Technologies to Expand their Community Impact

Scanning with the INSiGHT is a Game Changer

The INSiGHT neuroTECH is a proven strategy that delivers objective findings and powerful reports so you can build wellness care plans that go beyond pain and symptoms, keeping the communication clear and on purpose.

Now in my 14th yr (2022) of utilizing these amazing tools, it’s not MY certainty that grows as much as it’s the certainty of my practice members; they can palpably note my certainty, they can see for themselves the results happening “below their symptoms”, and it keeps a great conversation going with the stress-management aspect of our wellness/lifestyle care.

Dr. Josh Gelber

Using Synapse is absolutely the way to go. It’s seamless; from scanning, to interpretation and reporting! We literally can do all 3 of those from nearly anywhere, in or out of office. We have even scanned kiddies in our parking lot while they slept:) Can’t do that with a wired system:). Also, the capacity to create customized reports is perfect.

Dr. Matt Dirske

Trusted and Used by Chiropractors Around the World

Our Latest Content Made Just for You

I have wired INSiGHT technologies. Can I still use Synapse?

Synapse is designed to accommodate the latest wireless innovations. By upgrading to these technologies you will have full access to Synapse features. Wired INSiGHT technologies cannot be used with Synapse.

How do I learn to use Synapse and train my team to use it?

Synapse was built to be intuitive with the idea that you and your staff could have the resources to master scanning quickly and efficiently. First, the Synapse App includes an in app Help Section. This library of tutorials on scanning, interpretation and reporting that can be accessed at anytime. It has detailed training for scanning, interpretation and reporting. Second, there is an online user manual that has search and key word options. Third, we offer online Quick Start Guides to provide quick access to information. Lastly, the INSiGHT Academy provides an entire course with many lessons specifically on Synapse.

*Please note that there is a learning curve associated with the use of Synapse. We encourage all offices who are considering using Synapse to be aware that they need to prepare ahead of time, do pre-learning using our vast learning resources including practicing scanning with Synapse on test patients.

What reports are available in Synapse?

Synapse reporting has been designed by both educators and data scientists. Algorithms calculate the scan scores and plot the trends from the scanning data. The new reports in Synapse make scans and chiropractic more easily understood by adults and parents of children under care. They are customized to demonstrate the results of that actual patient. Single tech, Dual tech and a redesigned CORESCORE Reports are now available and detail the results of the scans and provide comprehensive information. Scan views, without reports, are also available and can be customized in their presentation using our Scan View Generator.

What is unique about the Children’s CORESCORE?

The Children’s CORESCORE takes into account the specifics of an overly active EMG readings in a growing spine along with the other interactions of the HRV and thermal scans.

Can Synapse scan without internet?

Yes! Synapse allows you to perform quick scans offline without an internet connection. This feature is great for screening events outside of your office. If you want to perform scans and generate reports, simply connect your iPad to a hotspot or enable cellular capability on your iPad.

Common Questions you may have about the neuroTECH

Don’t Miss Out on the Latest

Learn more about INSiGHT CLA’s latest innovations from one of our team members