How Established Doctors Maximize their Practice Growth with INSiGHT Scanning

Before INSiGHT Scanning

  • At school, the focus was on ortho-neuro tests that concentrated on managing spinal symptoms
    Dr. Linda Greene
  • It was almost impossible to explain the importance of having kids checked and adjusted without knowing about their nervous system
    Dr. Karan Sharma
  • I’d go to screenings and health fairs with a plastic spine and watch other chiros with the INSiGHT have lineups, as they scanned entire families at their booth
    Dr. Claire Miller

After using INSiGHT Scanning

Scans Create Plans

Care Planning drives retention. INSiGHT exams and CORESCORE Reporting keep patients connected to their care plan and focused on results

INSiGHT Scans Attract Patients

Parents want to know the health of their child’s nervous system. Athletes want to improve their performance. Adults and seniors look to the future. The INSiGHT delivers!

Learning to Scan is so Simple

Training team members and teaching how to interpret results is our passion. An entire online learning academy and interactive Private Member Forum supports learning and integration

After years of doing traditional examinations I wanted to look deeper and find out how I can make a bigger difference.

Dr. Josh Gelber

We have a goldmine of older patient files just waiting to be reactivated. I’m looking for the best way to catch their attention.

Dr. Lorie Brown

Key Benefits of INSiGHT Scanning for Established Doctors

Shifts the focus to retention and reactivation
Care planning becomes simplified
Report progress using the CORESCORE
Attract ideal new patients of all ages
Communicate with greater certainty

Take your Practice to the Next Level

The INSiGHT neuroTECH gives you a complete view of a patient’s functioning nervous system. By combining scanning technologies, the neuroTECH transforms any size or style of practice.

With the INSIGHT you can:

  • Generate more referrals
  • Increase patient retention
  • Turn your practice into a profit center
  • Learn with the INSiGHT Academy to become a Scanning Pro

Are you Ready to Start Scanning?

Take 2 minutes to find out

Trusted and Used by Chiropractors Around the World

Our Latest Insight and Resources for You

What is the average time it takes to perform a scan?

Depending on which INSiGHT instruments you purchased, the average scan time can range between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. A comprehensive CORESCORE exam takes under 8 minutes total

Is the INSiGHT technology backed by science validity, and are the scans reproducible?

Each INSiGHT instrument is engineered to collect precision, biomedical data based on validated research protocol. They rigorously adhere to test-retest reliability and intra and inter examiner reliability

If I use scans, should I still use X-rays in my examinations?

INSiGHT scans measure the functional, active, neural signals in the autonomic, motor and sensory systems. X-rays show the passive, end results of postural change and disease. Many CLA clients use both technologies: the INSiGHT to identify how stress and tension activity is changing a person’s health and x-rays to look at the static, end effects in the spine and how adjustments and subluxations have made their deeper, structural changes. The two tests complement one another

Do chiropractic techniques change the scans?
How do I learn to use the INSiGHT and train my team to use it?
We have a variety of resources that assist those new to scanning to learn to use the INSiGHT technologies and our software.
  • We have a fulsome Learning Management System called the INSiGHT Academy. This online learning platform has video lessons to help you master the use of your INSiGHT. It’s the complete system to onboard and train team members.
  • Our Synapse software was built to be intuitive with the idea that you and your staff could have the resources to master scanning quickly and efficiently. The Synapse App includes an in-app Help Section. This library of tutorials on scanning, interpretation and reporting that can be accessed at any time. It has detailed training for scanning, interpretation and reporting.
  • We have an on-line user manual that allows you to search by keywords.

Common Questions Doctors with Established Practices might ask

INSiGHT Scanning Technologies Make the Invisible, Visible

Discover your best-fit scanning solution