The landscape of chiropractic care is shifting, and at the core of …
Sixty times a minute your patient’s beating heart tells the story of stress adaptation. …
Do you play chess? The wellness journey, much like a chess game, involves strategic moves …
Imagine if your nervous system had a report card, and instead of …
Making The Invisible… Visible. Every shiver, laugh, heartbeat, memory and emotion are orchestrated …
Hey Doc, Dr. David Fletcher here, and guess what? I want you to be infinitely …
Looking forward to a great new year! It seems like every 365 days the …
Table talk is the perfect time to affirm your role in a …
As I enjoyed my morning coffee today, my thoughts wandered back to …
When D.D. Palmer adjusted Harvey Lillard’s spine, he was on to something …
As chiropractors, we know that communication is key to building strong relationships …
Remember the days when our trusted hands were the prime examination tools? Well, there …
Ever since D.D. Palmer, the luminary behind chiropractic, penned down his insights in, “The …
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