Table talk is the perfect time to affirm your role in a patient’s future health and well being. So often a friendly conversation about the weather or a baseball score is a necessary part of the conversation. However, intention rules and the energy of a highly focused chiropractor is inspiring for the patient. Their time is incredibly valuable and they want results. Tableside talk brings out the best in that relationship as it’s fast and to the point. 

I urge you to do a simple audit of the words you use as you meet and greet your patients when you are tableside. You’ll be surprised at how much room there is to shift your message delivery.  

There are many KPI’s that measure success in a practice. My feeling is that the greatest compliment and the greatest KPI is using invitational language to enrol 4 generations of every family to be a part of your incredible office. I know it can be done!

Each incremental shift you make adjusts your outcome. Next time you are tableside, think of the 3 strategies I’ve described in the Scan Centric Table Talk eBook. These strategies will help you become more present, more affirmative, and more inspired.

Nerve First

What is your intention as you stand over the table? Is it to focus on the spine and rehabilitation of its biomechanics or is it to rehabituate the nervous system? Are you catching the subtle difference between rehabilitation and rehabituation? Both happen, but in a NERVE FIRST approach, the intention is to first release the compromised neural-dural tension with an adjustment. Treatment or rehabilitation becomes a secondary strategy. 

The nervous system never stops learning. It instantly reacts to input and imprints the best available solution into the neural pathways. These habits alter the tone of the nervous system’s ability to process afferent input and efferent output. As the saying goes:

“Garbage in, Garbage out. Good in; Good out”

Prioritising the nervous system never removes you from managing the spinal condition. It gives clarity to the sequencing of how you are building your reports and care plans. As we continue to analyse the altered neuromuscular tone and changes in motion and posture we see these changes as a compensation of an infinitely intelligent system, reorganising itself to the best of its abilities. If we take the Spine First approach we will always be drawn into the pathogenic world where we become therapists before chiropractors, hoping to reduce the reactions and manage the symptoms.        

Feel Better, Get Well, Stay Alive vrs Get Better, Stay Well, Feel Alive

Let’s play a word game with these six words. Feel Better, Get Well, Stay Alive. This is the mindset of many people entering your office as new patients. They identify with their symptoms and seek out someone to relieve their ‘problem’. It’s focused on Feeling vs. Function.

Look what happens when we rearrange them to match the Nerve First approach: 

Get Better, Stay Well, Feel Alive. This arrangement is steeped in a vitalistic message. It’s all about Feeling Alive and not just Feeling Better. 

Release and Relief

By simply rearranging your words, you can own the narrative of being a neurofunctional wizard instead of a spinal mechanic. Let’s take it one step further. When your intention is to Release nerve tension vs. Focusing on Relief, your practice will surge ahead. As I mentioned, words become the signposts for the way your practice will perform. 

Chiropractors First 

All of these word games are representative of the foundational principles that guide our development of INSiGHT scanning technologies. Our overarching core value is ‘Chiropractors First’. We create technologies and support chiropractors as they elevate their excellence. By designing advanced technologies that look deeper into the nervous system every chiropractor can gain a new level of certainty and confidence when they analyse and report their findings. The INSiGHT confirms your intention, informs the patient and inspires them to be more connected every step of the way. We see the INSiGHT as an essential component in making chiropractic more accessible to families and more relatable to everyone, from back pain sufferers to wellness advocates. In fact, we believe that practising without an INSiGHT is the equivalent of being a carpenter without a hammer.  

The world needs chiropractors; not more spinal therapists. Get to know us as you build your dream practice. We’ve been guiding chiropractors from every corner of the world for decades. Check out why the INSiGHT is the instrument of choice for doctors that love what they do and do what they love.  

– Dr. David

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Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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