When most people think of chiropractic care, they picture spinal adjustments.

But here’s the thing—chiropractic goes way beyond the spine. If you want to deliver the best possible care to your patients, you’ve got to focus on the nervous system. That’s where the real magic happens. 

By scanning the nervous system, you get a clear picture of how well the brain and body are communicating and where the spinal nerve connections are compromised. Chiropractic isn’t just about fixing symptoms.  It’s about restoring control and boosting overall performance. Let’s dive into how scanning the nervous system can completely change the way you practice chiropractic care. 

What Is Nervous System Scanning in Chiropractic Care? 

Nervous system scanning lets you see what’s really going on inside the body.  Over time, damaging stress leads to compensations in the spine and nervous system. With tools like HRV, sEMG, and thermal scanning, you can identify areas where deeper stress and dysfunction are hiding. These technologies take chiropractic care to the next level. Instead of just focusing on the spine, you’re looking at how the entire nervous system is functioning. 

The Spinal Core and Its Role in Nervous System Health 

Most people don’t realize just how important their spinal core is. Sure, they know the spine is involved, but they don’t often think about the deeper layers. The postural muscles support the spine, while the vertebrae protect the spinal cord. And deep inside? That’s where the spinal nerves are working overtime to keep the brain and body connected. 

Helping patients understand that their health issues go beyond muscles and joints is crucial. Once they see that the nervous system is at the heart of everything, they start to get the bigger picture. This is where you shift the conversation from spinal adjustments to nervous system performance. Think about it. Isn’t it time to go beyond being their “spinal mechanic’ and shift to conversation to being their “neurological programmer”? 

Using Advanced Technology for Nervous System Scanning 

HRV Scanning 

With HRV scanning through tools like neuroPULSE™, you’re not just measuring heartbeats. You’re looking at how well the body adapts to stress. HRV measures the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which tells you a lot about a patient’s overall health. From newborns to seniors, HRV scanning shows how chiropractic care can make a difference in their lives. 

sEMG Scanning 

When it comes to muscle control, surface EMG (sEMG) scanning with neuroCORE™ is a game-changer. This tool helps you see where the body is struggling to support itself, revealing areas of stress, poor posture, or injury. It’s quick, easy, and gives you insights that go way beyond what you can feel with your hands. 

Thermal Scanning 

If stress has gotten deep into a patient’s system, it shows up in temperature changes along the spine. That’s where the neuroTHERMAL™ scanner comes in. It detects these variations, highlighting areas where stress is affecting the nervous system. It’s a great tool for both regular check-ups and public health screenings. 

Shifting the Focus From Symptoms to Wellness 

A lot of patients walk into your office because they’re in pain. But you and I both know chiropractic is about much more than that. It’s time to educate patients on how their nervous system impacts their overall wellness. When they see the bigger picture, they’re more likely to commit to a care plan that goes beyond pain relief. 

How Neuro-Functional Testing Helps Educate Patients 

One of the best ways to shift a patient’s mindset is through neuro-functional testing. Using tools like Synapse, you can create easy-to-understand reports that show patients exactly what’s happening in their nervous system. When they see the connection between stress, poor posture, and their symptoms, they’re more likely to stick with their care plan. It’s not just about how they feel; it’s about how well their nervous system is functioning. 

Why Embrace Advanced Scanning Technologies? 

Let’s face it—chiropractic care is evolving, and so should your practice. Incorporating tools like HRV, sEMG, and thermal scanning helps you offer a higher level of care. These technologies allow you to pinpoint issues in the nervous system and create tailored care plans that improve overall health. This isn’t just about treating symptoms—it’s about long-term wellness. 

Setting Realistic, Measurable Goals 

Patients need to see progress, and that’s where CORESCORE™ reports come in. These reports give you clear, measurable goals that keep patients motivated. Whether it’s improving muscle tone or balancing the autonomic nervous system, having a roadmap makes all the difference. 

Building a Wellness-Centered Practice 

Neuro-functional testing isn’t just about patient care. It’s about building a practice that thrives on wellness. Hosting workshops, offering community screenings, and educating the public about nervous system health can set you apart from other chiropractors. The tools in the INSiGHT scanning suite including the neuroPULSE, neuroTHERMAL and neuroCORE make it easy to engage with your community and bring new patients into your clinic. 

The Bigger Picture: Chiropractic Care for the Nervous System 

At the end of the day, chiropractic care is about much more than spinal adjustments. It’s about understanding how the nervous system controls every function in the body. By using advanced scanning technologies, you’re offering your patients more than just relief from pain—you’re giving them a path to long-term health. 

Chat with our team to get started today, or click here to take our Practice Blocker Quiz to find out if scanning is right for you. 

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Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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