If you understand Latin, you might know that the clinical term “subluxation” refers to “less than full light”. Chiropractors use this term to describe a form of spinal nerve interference that dulls the spinal nerve signals controlling our health, wellness and vitality. The spinal column or spinal core is filled with nerve connections linking the brain to the body. It is a system that is designed to be durable, yet incredibly sensitive and alert to the tiniest of stressors. It is the body’s growth, development and repair lifeline that must be cared for from birth throughout an entire lifetime. This means that every child should have the opportunity to have their spinal core checked for subluxation BEFORE symptoms of poor health or spinal problems emerge.

Today’s chiropractors are equipped to check any child of any age for subluxations. Nerve interference is likely to be painless and symptomless in its early stages. However, subluxations do alter the electrical nerve signaling in and around the spine. If the subluxations are more involved, they can actually alter the temperature around the spine and the regularity of the heartbeat. This is why highly sensitive sensors had to be developed for use with babies, children, adolescents, adults and even seniors. The incredible INSiGHT “Subluxation Station” was designed to detect these small but dangerous interference patterns by simply placing sensors on the spine and checking the heartbeat.

Children are the most vulnerable to subluxation. They are rapidly growing and developing while exploring their environment. Continual bumps and falls can place unhealthy strain on the spine. Poor seated posture, especially in adolescents, can create subluxations. Diets high in sugars, corn syrup and preservatives are actually toxic to the nervous system. Add emotional stress to the mix and the body’s control circuits are continually overloaded. As this overloading continues, reactions occur throughout the child’s developing spine and nervous system.

Here are the 4 most common symptoms of a subluxated child:
1. Failure to thrive/ fatigue/ lethargy
2. Distracted concentration/ altered behaviors
3. Lowered immunity with recurrent infections
4. Heightened environmental sensitivities and allergies

Interestingly, spinal pain and symptoms are not the primary complaint of a subluxated child or adolescent. These certainly can come later as the muscles and joints develop, but it is the non-spinal symptoms that are most troubling to parents and chiropractors.

Practice Tip:
Get the message out to the kids and families in your practice and community. Highlight the scans as the difference maker in managing kids. Use the “Don’t guess, test your stress” principle. Use imagery to draw attention to the power of the INSiGHT technology in introducing chiropractic care to kids. Print out some pre- and post- scans (names blacked out) with the story of the child.

The great news is that as the children begin care, the rest of the 4G-enerations of that family can start care as well! Great images and stories move people to make decisions and can help to spread the inspiring message of chiropractic through your community.

Thanks for reading!

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Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

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