When D.D. Palmer adjusted Harvey Lillard’s spine, he was on to something big! He decided that the nervous system wasn’t just another biological structure, it was the conveyor of an intelligence that kept the perfection of being human intact AND it became the foundation of the vertebral subluxation concept. It’s like the secret sauce in grandma’s famous recipe. If you get it right, everything else just falls into place!

Think of the nervous system as a superhighway of communication. Tune up the highway, optimize that traffic, and you get a smooth, high-speed avenue for body functions and innate expression. Except its so much more than a highway. The nervous system has the ability to learn and adapt and optimize the flow along it’s pathways. 

Ways to Amplify Neurological Activity:

  • Utilize advanced scanning technologies to get a precise assessment.
  • Tailor your adjustments to optimize neurologic communication.
  • Focus on the primary subluxation and strategize how to address the compensations
  • Educate patients on lifestyle choices that boost neural activity.

🌟 Pro Tip: Consider the nervous system as the conduit of intelligent force that enables more complete communication within the body. Enhance it, and you enhance your patients’ performance … and your practice.

Unmasking the Vertebral Side of Subluxation

Ever noticed how structure starts to warp when the nervous system isn’t at its best? That’s the body’s innate intelligence trying it’s best to adapt. It distorts itself to cope with gravitational loads, trying to minimize the impact on the overall system.

Common Signs of Vertebral Subluxation:

  • Joint movements get “stuck” and alignments shift.
  • Gravitational loads become distorted.Physical structures start to deteriorate rapidly

Rewriting Old Narratives

Long gone are the days when it was believed that a bone pinching a nerve was the sole cause of back pain. In a remarkable shift, B.J. Palmer in 1933, challenged the conventional wisdom and shook up the status quo, asserting that the issue was not merely about spinal alignment but more about the harmonious flow of intelligence through each individual. X Rays confirm spinal misalignments while scans pinpoint neuro-functional distress. 

Let’s delve deeper! Misalignment is not the true villain; rather, it’s the body’s own innate Spidey-sense saying something needs to change as it faces external pressures. This is where the nervous system steps in – a master regulator setting the pace at which your body combats these external forces. This reimagined perspective places innate connectivity at the crux of our practice, and it’s a game-changer.

Consider your patient’s back pain as a signal, an SOS from their body pleading for balance and care. The search for solutions begins with your perspective. It’s not about hunting for a pinched nerve or a wayward vertebra. Instead, it’s all about hearing what your patient’s body is trying to communicate. Every ache, every limitation is a story about how their body is dealing with external stresses and adaptation to the demands of their lifestyle. If you begin with the intent of finding out where nerve communication is being obstructed, everything else follows and falls into place. The body’s intelligence has to have a way to be distributed to every cell. That’s the genius and role of the central nervous system. Always on the ready to listen, adapt and perform!

As we peel back the layers of this new understanding, we find that it’s not just about easing physical discomfort. It’s about enhancing overall performance – body, mind, and spirit. It’s about embracing a holistic approach to health that acknowledges this interconnectedness.

With every patient you see, remember B.J. Palmer’s wisdom. It’s not just about alignment… it’s about listening to their body, understanding its language, and responding with care and respect. After all, it’s this innate intelligence that keeps us going, adapting, and thriving in a world that never stops demanding.

It’s Time To Rewrite Old Narratives

If you take away one thing from this, let it be this—It’s not only about adjusting a spinal segment, it’s about realizing the grand orchestra of body functions! The nervous system conducts this ensemble, and when it’s in balance, everything harmonizes. 

And as chiropractic practitioners, our role is akin to a maestro, fine-tuning this magnificent orchestra to ensure it performs at its optimal capacity.

When we approach careplanning from this empathetic perspective, we start to see our patients as a complex ensemble of nerves, muscles, and tissues—each playing their part in the grand composition of life. This enables us not just to treat symptoms or alleviate immediate discomfort but to harmonize the entire nervous system so that it can perform its symphony without interruption.

Don’t just chase symptoms, seek the root cause and let the nervous system sing its best tune. After all, isn’t that what our noble profession is all about?

What is the best way to do this? Our INSiGHT Scanning technology is your shortcut to looking deeper into your patient’s nervous system and how it is performing!  CLA specializes in creating customized scanning solutions to maximize patient retention, stimulate referrals and bring entire families under care. Let us share our experience with you and your team. Start by taking our free Practice Strategy Assessment today and see how scanning can best be implemented seamlessly in your practice! 

Explore the rest of our website! It’s full of great resources and updated information on scanning strategies, Synapse software and the latest upgrades in technologies. 

– Dr. David


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Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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