Set the direction for your care plan 

When you are driving on unfamiliar roads it’s always reassuring to see road signs that confirm you’re headed in the right direction.  That’s how patients feel when they are working through their care plan. Re-exams and their updated reports are like magical road signs that reassure and confirm that everything is going as planned.  

We surveyed thousands of offices using the INSiGHT and they told us that their biggest retention and referral strategy was taking the time to highlight a patient’s progress, compare the ongoing results and continue to provide trusted advice based on objective data.  We listened and built the CORESCORE sequence into our Synapse software so that you can effortlessly keep your patients informed and inspired.

The initial CORESCORE 

Set the stage with the Initial CORESCORE for this sequence. We recommend choosing a reasonable number of visits between exams to allow time for the neuroplastic shift to. It’s typical and convenient to schedule the re-exams at the end of each block of 12 visits but you can choose whatever makes most sense in your approach.


Here are a few tips to remember when setting up a care plan:

  • The nervous system never stops learning, but it takes time to break old habits.
  • A minimum of THREE exams is necessary to get an accurate perspective on what is trending:
    • The INITIAL exam sets a benchmark to measure against
    • The PROGRESS exam shows what is and isn’t changing
    • The COMPARATIVE exam confirms what is trending

The Synapse software automatically sequences the reporting after the INITIAL CORESCORE    into PROGRESS CORESCORE reporting, followed by a COMPARATIVE CORESCORE and then ongoing CONTINUATION CORESCORES. Each report is based on the patient’s actual data from that exam with a narrative relating to their results being pulled from an interpretation library.

This sequence was designed to use the “sign post” model of informing the patient where they are and where they are going.  We all know the value of reporting is only as good as the way it is delivered. For example, when we created the Children’s CORESCORE we developed narratives that spoke directly to the parents about their child’s results.  Needless to say, this has been a huge advancement in building trust and huge family practices!

Check out the CORESCORE reports

Dig in and get a feel for sample CORESCORE reports. You’ll see that they aren’t cookie cutter reports that speak in general terms. They are specific to the patient at that point in their care plan. Sometimes even best laid plans get interrupted by accidents, incidents or long breaks in care. The sequence is adaptable.  You can reassign an exam to restart the sequence at any time.

Using the CORESCORE streamlines the entire care planning process by blending clinically accurate data with intuitive reporting and preset “sign posts”.    


Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Your Guide to Transformational Reporting

Read more about how the CORESCORE is an integrated neural efficiency index that is calculated when the INSiGHT technologies are combined in an exam to create a profile. Learn about how this single number index, gives the chiropractor and the patient something to compare to over time.

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Stress sucks!  

It literally sucks the life out of tissues and sets brains and body systems on fire! That’s why a “stress score” is such a powerful tool to communicate the impact that chiropractic care can have.  We designed two types of scores: One for adults and one for Kids so that no one was left behind when it came to showing off chiropractic outcomes.  We called them CORESCORES because chiropractic affects the core of everyone’s health and well-being.

The CORESCORE takes the mystery and terror out of symptoms and stress and sets the conversation on exactly the right path:  restoring function and allowing the body’s natural abilities to reorganize themselves. That’s why the CORESCORE examination is the essential feature of the Initial assessment. It benchmarks how capable or compensated the patient’s nervous system is. 

What makes up a CORESCORE?

From using data from tens of thousands of scans on all ages of patients we were able to identify what we refer to as the “well-adjusted range”… the expectation of where chiropractic care can take patients.  We were able to plot and analyze this date so we could present it as an index of neural efficiency.  When a person is laboring under long term stress their score is likely lower because their nervous system is overburdened and underperforming. If 100% is amazing and ideal, then a score of 50 or 60 is very concerning. A low score like that means that the combination of the Autonomic Nervous System and postural Motor Nervous system is only performing at 50-60% of its ability when tested.  That’s a C or D grade on anyone’s report card!

The Critical Shift

Just imagine what you can report when you use the CORESCORE. The critical shift from being a spinal mechanic to a neuro wizard has already begun!  You can get right to the point and indicate that you have a solution for what brought them in and for taking them on a beautiful restorative health journey whose benefits will last them a lifetime. The great news is we have built a report that speaks for you and the results.   It’s an ideal take home report that informs and INSPIRES and confirms your dedication to them and not just their symptoms.

The initial CORESCORE sets the stage, but we didn’t stop there. There are three more report cards that track the improvements and continue to build out the chiropractic story as they improve under your care. The first re-exam produces the PROGRESS report followed by the COMPARATIVE and then CONTINUATION reports.  Together they form the CORESCORE sequence, a comprehensive journey map that makes your life so much easier and their commitment so much stronger.


Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Your Guide to Transformational Reporting

Read more about how the CORESCORE is an integrated neural efficiency index that is calculated when the INSiGHT technologies are combined in an exam to create a profile. Learn about how this single number index, gives the chiropractor and the patient something to compare to over time.

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I love the CORESCORE! It has made reporting and care planning so easy and effective in successful practices all around the world.

The #1 goal when starting a chiropractic relationship is to get the patient thinking about nerves and not spines.  Easier said than done!  That’s why the INSiGHT instantly became the hub of my practice. I laid out the details of this transformation in the Patient Life Cycle series that talked about how the INSiGHT attracted new families to our office, developed clinically relevant exams, moved the reporting message from Relief to Release and made care planning outcomes a reality. It brought our team together to deliver certainty that was centered around scanning and adjusting the NERVOUS SYSTEM, not only the spine.

If we are scanning the nervous system, then the reporting of our findings is focused on how well the nervous system is working to keep a person performing at their best.  Nervous systems are complex in their design and control everything, Which is why scanning the nervous system requires the three-part CORESCORE exam using HRV, surface EMG and Thermography. You can catch up with that information here. 

Scans make the invisible visible, but like Xray’s, if they aren’t interpreted and reported in a way that a patient understands them, they are confusing at best and terrifying at worst. Enter the CORESCORE.   It’s a score on how efficient a nervous system is performing.  

What do you think lowers an efficiency score in the nervous system?   If you said STRESS or better yet DIS-STRESS you’d be spot on. As a Chiro, you KNOW that a vertebral subluxation is incredibly stressful!  It’s caused by distress …and then causes its own distress. That’s what lowers a CORESCORE.  

There is a good news story here.   Adjusting vertebral subluxations raises the CORESCORE!  This is why the CORESCORE made all the difference in streamlining my practice flow and attracted families.  Everyone wants to know their “stress score” or more importantly if they are handling their life stress. It’s so simple to report a CORESCORE from the Initial Exam through Progress and comparative exams to Continuation and Wellness check ins.    

The CORESCORE is like their Nervous System’s Report Card. The score is based on a 0-100 scale. Let’s face it, at zero they aren’t in your office!  Sadly, many children and adults enter our offices with scores in the 60’s. That means that their nervous system is barely keeping up with all the daily stressors. A realistic goal for these clients with lower starting scores is to focus on getting them up to 80.  That’s a great first tier that confirms massive improvement. To get there, they need lots of positive changes to move the needle towards 80% efficiency.  That’s your department.  You can initiate the change with your adjustments and trusted advice. Once they get to eighty, the fun really begins! Now you can move them towards wellness care that is focused on what it would take to get to 85-90.  These are proven, realistic goals that can be achieved under your care!

When you use the CORESCORE sequence to track their progress, set goals, tweak their frequency of care and shift their perspective you become the most valuable asset in their health and wellness journey.   Who wouldn’t want to get a scorecard for the rest of their lives telling them that they are making all the right decisions!  


Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Utilizing Heart Rate Variability in a Chiropractic Practice

This e-book provides an overview of how to assess a patient’s adaptive reserve through the use of heart rate variability scan technology. A description of how HRV is tracked is provided in this comprehensive guide. It describes the how vertebral subluxations can be measured over time.

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The CORESCORE is the key for retention and referrals

CLA’s CORESCORE has proven to be a retention and referral game changer. When CORESCORE was first introduced it rocked the chiropractic world because it created a new way to communicate how stress and symptoms were affecting the performance of the nervous system. 

By combining the objective data from Heart Rate Variability, surface EMG and thermographic scans, the CORESCORE presents an “efficiency index”  as a single number score, which means patients can instantly understand how inefficient their nervous system is performing when vertebral subluxations are present. An easy-to-understand report with helpful charts and diagrams is generated, and subsequent reports can be generated at each reexamination, allowing the doctor and patient to track the improvements in their scores. When this  approach was first introduced, it changed the narrative from how the patient was feeling to how their nervous system was functioning.

Care Planning

In neuroplastic care planning, it’s critical to have long term objectives clearly outlined with “signposts” positioned along the way. CORESCORE examinations are set up at designed intervals so that tableside reporting is fast and effective, keeping patients focused on their functional outcomes.  

An Initial CORESCORE on the entry examination sets the stage. The three-part exam takes less than 8 minutes and produces the benchmark CORESCORE. After a series of adjustments, the first Progress CORESCORE report is then generated. By pulling new data from the progress exam findings, a customized Progress CORESCORE report is generated.  Lots of early changes are discussed at this time, leading to the jewel in retention care planning: the Comparative CORESCORE.  After the second progress exam, a Comparative CORESCORE, using updated data with comparison tables, confirms their ongoing improvement. The last piece of each patient’s care planning toolbox is the Continuation CORESCORE that publishes ongoing CORESCOREs during their restorative path towards wellness. Each subsequent CORESCORE is tracked in a narrative, graph and table format so that goal setting and care plan designing is no longer guesswork.  The INSiGHT’s CORESCORE is neuroscience at your fingertips!   

Evolution of the CORESCORE

Today, with the evolution of CLA’s latest Synapse software, the CORESCORE has evolved and improved substantially. With the help of data scientists, educators and chiropractic specialists, Synapse can now take the data from the three INSiGHT scans and organize the narrative report based on the patient’s exact data. Pulling from an extensive reporting library, Synapse builds a specific report so that the patient knows exactly where they are headed. We also added a new Children’s CORESCORE dedicated to ensuring that parents have the vital information they need to make chiropractic care planning decisions for their child.

The evolution of the CORESCORE has simplified reporting and made patient compliance a consistent reality.  The INSiGHT scanning technology has always been recognized for delivering clinically reliable and valid results. By combining scan results with scoring algorithms and a reporting library, the CORESCORE makes chiropractic understandable, inspiring and purposeful for every family in the community.


Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Your Guide to Transformational Reporting

Read more about how the CORESCORE is an integrated neural efficiency index that is calculated when the INSiGHT technologies are combined in an exam to create a profile. Learn about how this single number index, gives the chiropractor and the patient something to compare to over time.

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How the CORESCORE began

A branding and communication guru once shared with me the three most important strategies that shift a client’s perspective and then “velcros” them to your message…. for a lifetime!  He should know.  The brands that he worked on were so successful that the average American household had 7 of “his” products in use at all times. The strategy that I think will have the biggest impact on your practice is what he called “The Real Reason To Believe” (RRTB).

It begins  with this notion that what you present, how you present it and the why behind all the assessments and reports you deliver will be the difference-makers in your practice. For it to work, it requires that you, the chiropractor, have complete certainty in using assessments that are designed to measure the full impact of a vertebral subluxation and then presenting the results in such a way that the RRTB is blatantly obvious.

When we were developing the INSiGHT technologies that scan the nervous system for unhealthy and changing patterns, we got very good at ensuring the precision, validity, reliability and accuracy of the data that was being produced.  The engineers and I would high five our accomplishments and “nerd out” on how amazing the tech would work in a chiropractor’s office.  As a very busy chiropractor I knew that this was only half the solution. As Apple figured out a long time ago, the sleekest most progressive technologies need to deliver that incredible data in such a way that the user not only feels confident but is totally engaged in the process of sharing the images and data being produced.  When technology combines with incredibly easy to understand visuals and reports, the world shifts on its axis!

These are the foundational “stories” behind the CORESCORE.  When we initially created the INSiGHT scanning tech, the results were presented in a series of scan images that showed the results of stress on patients’ spines and nervous systems.  We used colorized bars and tracking lines that could then be interpreted by the doctor.  These scan images revolutionized the delivery of the chiropractic message.  For the first time, a chiropractor and their patients could see the impact that unmanaged stress was having on the performance of the nervous system.  The invisible had become visible.  This shifted the client’s focus from spinal care outcomes to performance and wellness outcomes.  INSiGHT scans moved the message from “feeling to function” without dismissing how a patient was experiencing their symptoms. 

The challenge in all of this became figuring out how to ensure  that the interpretation and report was thoroughly understood by the patient.  There’s a lot of data being reported in the colorful scan images, and as chiropractors, we are trained as clinical experts in assessing the impact of vertebral subluxations on all ages.  The INSiGHT scans needed to be fast and accurate with incredible inter-examiner reliability and easy to train and use.  We knew that we needed to scan the entire function of the Autonomic Nervous System, globally and regionally and then understand the impact that gravity and postural compensations were having on the Motor Nervous System. 

The CORESCORE solution

Our engineers and data scientists worked to develop algorithms from the data of the neuroPULSE (Heart Rate Variability,) neuroCORE(surface EMG ) and neuroTHERMAL (Thermography), and came up with a way to combine them to create a single neural efficiency index, known as the CORESCORE, which reflects the overall processing efficiency of that person’s central nervous system.  This equips you with everything you need to implement the  “Real Reason to Believe” strategy using objective data from the best instrumentation available!

No longer were care plans trapped in delivering relief and spinal rehabilitation! Instead of guessing at outcomes, the CORESCORE can be used to set goals and track changes, while the patient becomes adjusted and revitalized under chiropractic care. You can now show the patient how compensated their neural performance had become as they tolerated the limitations that vertebral subluxations had imposed on them!

We don’t guess, we test using the CORESCORE 

CLA clients using the CORESCORE adopted the tagline, “We don’t guess, we test” because certainty pays off for everyone!  Testing and re-testing are the hallmarks of a dedicated approach that values life enhancing care, not limited to symptom management or spinal rehab. 

We knew we had nailed it as the results started to come in from the early adopters.  Waves of patients began getting scanned and scored in offices around the world.  CLA’s passion and purpose isn’t limited to practicing chiropractors, our vision was to be the force that made the world stand up and embrace the RRTB of an entire profession.   Although we had thousands of offices in many countries using the INSiGHT, we needed a central data collection strategy so we could evaluate and work with research teams to analyze and publish using big data. In research circles this is referred to as a PBRN, Practice Based Research Network and we could create one using cloud-based technology.  The CORESCORE is a result of a combination of three data sets being generated by three instruments. 

We then set out to design a cloud server that could ensure privacy and security while managing a wealth of data. We knew that we had created the basis for a CLA PBRN!  Initially, hundreds of thousands and now millions of scan data sets are collected annually in our database forming the basis for the largest tranche of chiropractic wellness, centered data ever available.  Our PBRN is being discussed and organized for use by the profession’s most capable research teams. With big data like this we can track trends, ask bigger questions, and use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning strategies to get to the real answers as to how chiropractic care makes such a difference in babies and adults alike.  

By focusing on the efficiency of the nervous system through the lens of the vertebral subluxation, we can begin an era of research based on performance and vital function rather than pain management and rehabilitation. The CORESCORE represents the blending of the Science, Art and Philosophy of the profession, delivered in a single number score.  This evidence informed approach which highlights the intersection between best practices, best available evidence and patient experience sets the stage for the advancement of chiropractic’s acceptance.

My follow up blogs to this will be on how to integrate the CORESCORE into any sized practice and how to set up care plans that are neuroplastic by design and based on objective, neurofunctional data. Oh, and if you are interested, there is a reason why it’s called the CORESCORE.  CORE is an acronym for Chiropractic Optimizes Reorganizational Energy. It’s what we do with every adjustment!   

Dr. David

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Your Guide to Transformational Reporting

Read more about how the CORESCORE is an integrated neural efficiency index that is calculated when the INSiGHT technologies are combined in an exam to create a profile. Learn about how this single number index, gives the chiropractor and the patient something to compare to over time.

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