Heart Rate Variability: Linking today’s technologies with timeless, healing principles

In the cluttered health care marketplace, chiropractic must distinguish itself as unique, powerful and certain. It must offer a hopeful plan for restoring function and arousing the health and wellness potential in individuals and families. One of the greatest challenges in practice is communicating and defining the transition from symptoms to wellness. How does one “connect the hip bone to the Universe?”

Complex yet simple…

Advanced technologies that have become the gold standard in observing and managing stress reactions in cardiology, sports performance and psychology practices are now available to chiropractors. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing is a simple and accurate test that uses complex mathematical calculations to analyze the rates and rhythms of the resting heart beat pattern. The data can be evaluated to reveal the intricate balance between the Sympathetic (S) Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PS).

CLA has developed a proprietary HRV technology specifically for chiropractors. The Pulse Wave Profiler (PWP), or neuroPULSE is research-grade equipment that allows the staff or doctors to quickly assess the effect that long term stress is having on the general state of a patient’s well-being. Conversely, a PWP scan is an ideal way to monitor the overall improvements accomplished while under chiropractic care. It is a perfected technology that allows the clinician to measure and discuss the vital changes while inspiring the patient to continue towards wellness care. HRV testing has become a significant tool in developing retention and compliance within a practice.

The PWP is unique because of its patented technology combination that measures HRV while monitoring anxiety levels. An embedded Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) measurement ensures that collection of data is accurate and reproducible. The six minute, unattended test with a patient’s hand cradled on a sensing platform captures the full spectrum of the heart rate and rhythms.

How does HRV measure the effects of Chronic Stress?

The origins of Heart Rate Variability go back to clinical studies 40 years earlier. At that time the ANS was viewed through a Stimulus – Response model and not examined as a complete system interacting with psychological and physiological factors. Polygraphs were the first bridge to “show” how an emotional state impacted on the physiology. In those years the accuracy of measuring the heart’s R-R interval was limited and so HRV was relegated as an anomaly. With the advent of digital processing, the milliseconds of the interval and the degree of variability can be acknowledged as accurate.

Simply put, HRV is a representation of the balance existing between the Sympathetic (S) and Parasympathetic (PS) portions of the ANS. If there is increased regularity of the heartbeat there is decreased variability and vice versa. The heart rate is measured using ECG’s or pulse wave profiles (plethysmograms). Increased S-tone relates to decreased variability. Increased PS-tone increases variability. An increase in variability is synonymous with the increased adaptability to environmental stimuli. A decrease in variability has been linked to any number of pre- degenerative or morbid, deteriorating physiologic states. HRV is not an exact diagnosis of disease but rather an indicator of the present state of adaptability. Chronic increases in health risk can be observed and reported when sequential HRV reading are obtained.

The ANS is involved in all disease states and is inherent in promoting a desirable state of wellness and performance. By producing hormones such as adrenaline and glucocorticoids, the sympathetic system stimulates a fight-flight response. The heart rate increases and the vasomotor tone of the periphery constricts (as seen in para-spinal thermal scans). A “vagal brake” is applied by the medullary circuits ending in the myelinated, vagus nerve. This slows down and rhythmically balances the heart rate.

HRV measures the tonic baseline of the sympathovagal state of normal sinus rhythm. If there is cardiomyopathy present, HRV will be diminished. However from a chiropractic perspective, our interest lies in the modulating of the neural input to regulate the S-PS balance. Chiropractic Leadership Alliance, Proprietary Information, 2011 www.SubluxationStation.com

Chronic stress leading to dis-stress will swing the balance and reduce the variability. An increased S-tone is associated with overt or quiet inflammatory states. A chronic skewing towards the S side indicates a lowered PS response. The PS readings can be viewed as an indicator of the level of the restorative response. Low PS and higher S readings combined with a low variability indicate a declining state of health and adaptability. One can easily identify the amount of “reserve” a patient has by looking at the amount of variability. If there is a low level of reserve then the patient is more vulnerable to negative type stress.

Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry

Natural systems are nonlinear in their response to stimuli. The randomness of this response spawned the Chaos Theory which is defined as the study of multivariable, non-periodic and nonlinear systems. The heart rate is, by design, slightly variable, due to the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA). Fractal or quantum analysis is necessary to account for the non-periodic measurements of this variable system. It is likely that the fractal analysis of HRV is incompatible in the comparison of the linear analysis of thermal scanning. This is most likely why we can observe regional, sympathetic responses and still get relative balance in the S-PS HRV readings. Thermal scanning shows the “load” on the regional circuits and the sensitivity of the “adrenaline” response in those regions. HRV takes a bird’s eye view of the totality of the adaptive state. It can be a qualitative measure on overall response to the wellness lifestyle strategies that are being enacted.

Here is what you can hang your hat on…

HRV is the gold standard in analyzing the status of the adaptive state of the individual. Multivariable, non-linear events play upon the psychophysiology of everyone. You can now benchmark their current status and report, with accuracy, the direction they are headed.

Chiropractic has been proven (Zhang studies) to positively influence the variability as measured using HRV. Combined with regional readings showing the patterns of memorized adrenaline load (Thermal scans) we can track the emerging state of health and discuss wellness options with our patients. Adding in the sEMG can tell us the energetic efficiency (dysponesis) and help us to understand where the wasteful, paraspinal motor response is occurring. Using inclinometry and algometry to complete the spinal-neural profile, we can inspire the patients to take their spinal core dynamics seriously help them understand that back pain is not the issue at hand.

Powerful Communication, Powerful Solutions

We are so much more important to the world than to relegate ourselves to the role of a therapist, helping people through awkward episodes of pain. We are the thin edge of the wedge, managing and promoting performance of human potential. Remember, chiropractic has spent the past 100+years researching how to release the inefficient constraints on the expression of the neural image. We offer society the most advanced perspective and the simplest solution (the adjustment) to balancing the ANS and reducing noxious load on the central neural processor. Please take yourselves seriously and tell the whole story. The world can be a better place with less subluxated people in it because of you.

Thanks for reading!

References: 1EFFECT OF CHIROPRACTIC CARE ON HEART RATE VARIABILITY AND PAIN IN A MULTISITE CLINICAL STUDY, John Zhang, MD, PhD,a Douglas Dean, PhD,b Dennis Nosco, PhD,c, Dennis Strathopulos, DC,d, Minas Floros, DC,e 2The polyvagal perspective§ Stephen W. Porges, University of Illinois at Chicago, Brain-Body Center, Department of Psychiatry (mc 912), 3Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social, and Global Health Rollin McCraty, PhD; Doc Childre ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, jul/aug 2010, VOL. 16, NO. 4

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

The Incredible Value of Chiropractic Screenings

This practical guide provides details on how to use screenings to maximize the opportunity to share the message of chiropractic in your community. Practical tips and tricks for using the INSIGHT for all ages while screening makes this a super useful tool.

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Ample research has surfaced in recent years documenting a dramatic rise in stress levels across the country — including a study from the American Psychological Association that branded Millennials as the “most stressed generation” currently living. You can see signs of this heightened state of anxiety simply by walking outside and watching countless passers-by feverishly fiddling with their smartphones, or by reading any of countless op-eds on the bleak state of the job market, diminished starting salaries and mounting costs of living.

Yes, there is a lot on our plates at the moment, but the physical and chemical responses spurred by stress mean that chiropractors and the general public can’t just sit back and accept this new reality. The consistent influx of cortisol, a hormone that is released when someone experiences stress, has been linked to serious health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease and heightened risk of stroke, but these can often be mitigated with a few basic lifestyle changes.

The American Heart Association warns that excessive stress can be detrimental, as it keeps your body in “high gear” for extended stretches of time. So how can you tell just how much stress may be affecting your wellbeing? Cardiologists have long relied on monitoring heart rate variability (HRV) to gauge overall wellness. HRV refers specifically to the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate, and they can shed considerable light on how well certain individuals are equipped to handle various forms of duress, including stress.

Dr. David Fletcher states,”Important studies in the field of cardiology and psychology have confirmed the value of HRV in monitoring the adaptability of individuals. Recently, two studies by Dr. Zhang Ph.D and his team concluded that HRV results were significantly improved after chiropractic care. This non-spinal testing procedure confirms that chiropractic adjustments improve the adaptability and health control mechanisms in patients while under care.”

At CLA, our primary goal is to help chiropractors ensure the wellbeing of their patients on a holistic level. By measuring a patient’s HRV, chiropractors can determine the damage being wreaked by excessive stress, and can set to work devising treatment plans that combine proper nutrition, exercise and chiropractic adjustments to enhance a patient’s wellbeing. With the Pulse Wave Profiler (PWP), chiropractors can quickly assess the effects of long-term stress on their patients, and can easily monitor the benefits for chiropractic treatments and other holistic interventions.

Regaining control of your health and happiness can feel impossible when you feel depleted and are plagued by stress-related aches and twinges. However, as part of a comprehensive effort to adopt a healthy lifestyle complete with a balanced diet and regular exercise, chiropractic care can help alleviate this issues to restore balance and help patience enjoy enhanced quality of life.

Thanks for reading!

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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How many times have you resolved to lose weight, only to quit mid-month? This year, start setting the right kind of resolutions.

Four out of five people who make New Year’s resolutions will eventually break them and won’t even make it to February. Experts agree that the reason we quit is that we make resolutions that are too vague or too unachievable, so we quit. If you want to make this your best year yet, follow these suggestions on what resolutions NOT to make.

“I’m Going on a Diet.”
When you wake up on January 1st saying “this is the first day of my diet”, you’re setting yourself up to fail. “Diet”, to most people means hunger, misery and abandoning your normal routine. Pledge to make healthy food choices. You’ll see more results by simply resolving to cut processed and refined foods from your meals.

“I’m Going to the Gym Every Day.”
Weight loss is a basic formula – burn more calories than you eat. If you’ve never set foot in a gym, don’t declare in January that you’re going to work-out every day. Start slowly and add more workouts until you’re exercising for about 30 minutes, five times a week.

“I’m Going to Lose Weight, Exercise More, Save Money, etc.”
The problem here is making too many resolutions. You’re more likely to succeed if you make one resolution rather than five. The more specific the resolution, the better. It’s hard to achieve a goal if you’re too vague or too broad. If you want a resolution to stick, it has to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, balanced and unrestrictive.

“I’m Going to Lose Weight All By Myself.”
When you’re trying to lose weight, you don’t have to post it on your Facebook page or tweet about it, but you should find some support among family and close friends. Weight loss buddies are critical in sustaining your goals. They can provide you with the motivation to continue when you are stressed and frustrated and hold you accountable, helping you to continue with your goals. One of the best weight loss buddies to have is your chiropractic wellness team! Talk to your chiropractor to get great support and tips.

“I’m Going to Skip Breakfast.”
Think you can save 300 calories if you skip breakfast? Big mistake. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you don’t eat a healthy breakfast, it can sabotage your weight loss goals. Come noontime, you’re starving and you’ll overeat because you’re so hungry. Better to resolve to eat smaller meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. The years come and go but you can achieve your goals by setting reasonable resolutions that work!

Top Exercise Excuses
We all know by now that regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and a key ingredient in weight loss, weight maintenance and warding off diseases. So why do people still come up with every excuse not to work out?

Here are some common excuses:
“I’m too Busy.” This is simply a matter of setting priorities. Get up a little earlier or walk during lunch. The American Heart Association found that you can reduce your risk of stroke by walking for as little as 15 minutes a day.

“Exercise is Boring.” Doing the same exercise every day can get boring. Mix it up with exercises that are fun. Try swimming, skiing, tennis, yoga, Zumba and more. Find a fitness method that works for you. Ask your chiropractic team for suggestions and guidance!

“Joining a Gym Costs too Much.” Gym memberships can get pricey, and any amount is too much if you don’t use it. One of the best things you can do is start a walking routine. You can walk anywhere and the only cost is a comfortable pair of shoes. Walking can help with weight loss and help ward off diabetes.

“I’m too Tired.” Once you’ve dragged yourself to the gym you’ll feel better and more energized, not more exhausted. Working out improves muscle strength and boosts endurance. It gets your blood flowing and your cardiovascular system working more efficiently. So drop the excuses and get moving!

Are You Ready to Get Happy? We challenge ourselves to eat right and exercise, but when was the last time you set a happiness goal for yourself? Now’s your chance to boost your mood, gain more energy and lose a few pounds in the process.

1. Move your body. Exercise can raise serotonin levels in your brain, so walk, ride your bike or do some kind of workout each day.

2. Get your ZZZs. Make sure to get in at 7-9 hours of sleep a night. There are enormous health benefits of a good night’s sleep.

3. Quiet your mind. Unplug, tune out and just breathe. It’s important to give your brain a rest from our over-stimulated, over-scheduled world.

4. Count your blessings. Remind yourself what you should be grateful for each and every day and keep focused on the positive.

5. Get Adjusted. Getting regularly adjusted has innumerable benefits on the body and nervous system. Especially when engaging in more physical activity, it’s also very important to make sure that your body is balanced so that you don’t do more harm than good.

6. Measure your mood. Check in with yourself daily and notice how your happiness levels increase and your stress levels decrease the more you move, sleep and get adjusted.

Thanks for reading!

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Adaptation Guide

Use this guide to create your ideal plan and stay focused on your path ahead. Follow the 3 R’s for attracting and managing patients and realize you have the tools you need to be “the go to Chiropractor” in your community.

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This story is told by Dr. Jason, and a call that would change his life.

I have been doing screenings for the last eight years. It seems like I would always schedule less than ten appointments and of those maybe only half would come for the exam. Don’t take me wrong I know every person counts when it comes to their health! It was just the fact of being away from my kids and exhausted on Monday morning after only reaching so few people, this was discouraging me.

Frustrated I called my favorite teacher at Palmer and asked for his guidance. He recommended Dave Mager. He had heard Dave on the On Purpose tape series talking about screenings and marketing. He told me that Dave has done more screenings and talks in the last 30 years than anyone in our entire profession. He said that Dave is the master of educational talks and screenings and told me to give him a call today.

Being committed to reaching out and educating my community I decided that if I was to do this I was going to step up and play BIG or not play at all!

I called Dave and he brought his INSIGHT Technology. He conducted screening for three weekends in a row and the results were AMAZING. In the three weekends( nine days total) Dave signed up 132 new patients. As a result of Dave’s marketing, INSIGHT expertise and with his coaching, my practice has grown to the point I now have to move my office to a bigger space. I’ve also had to increase my hours each week JUST to process all the new patients. Another boost is that along with Dave’s coaching using his INSIGHT, procedures and products taught my how to increase my referrals from the 132 new patients. I now actually have patients asking ME if they can bring in their family and friends.

Things that impressed me the most were the amount of sign-ups and the nearly 80% show rate due to educating and showing people their scans, so they understood WHY they are coming to my office. Additionally, seeing growth like never before with any other technology. With the amount of new patients in the three weekends with Dave the income has generated enough to purchase seven INSIGHTs.

Also, I asked Dave to stay and do my dinner talk that I had already scheduled and was planning to do myself. I had 22 guests attend the dinner talk, again with Dave and using the INSIGHT….. by the end, 18 of the 22 signed up as new patients. That brought my total new patients to 150!

Make the call today that could change you life and practice forever.

For more on Dave Mager and his role in chiropractic, watch the video below for an interview with Dr. David Fletcher and Dave Mager.

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Adaptation Guide

Use this guide to create your ideal plan and stay focused on your path ahead. Follow the 3 R’s for attracting and managing patients and realize you have the tools you need to be “the go to Chiropractor” in your community.

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CLA has a big vision and that is led by Dr. David Fletcher. We want to share with you key elements at the core of Dr. Fletcher’s passion for this company and our profession.

Make a difference. Love what you do. Build a fabulous practice, while finding your purpose.
These are the reasons Dr. Fletcher is so passionate about creating and growing a partnership between you and Chiropractic Leadership Alliance (CLA).

A different kind of company.
Our goal is to provide our clients with tools and strategies that help them create their ideal practice. You work hard at building your business and need a partner that has technology and training solutions that will contribute to your success – and that’s our job.

Leadership you can count on.
The switch from an insurance dependent, pain-based practice to a thriving INSiGHT wellness practice is yours for the asking. Our team will train and inspire you to find the balance in your life and practice.

Vision and Insight.
We strive to simplify how each and every day works in your office. Powerful exams that help you report the importance of your care are the centerpiece of our programs. Our INSiGHT neural scanning technologies have transformed practices from California to Dubai. We are committed to your success and the advancement of chiropractic worldwide.

What can we do for you?
For over 20 years we have helped develop the world’s most successful practices. Our team is ready to put your practice on that list.

If these words resonate with you, please share them with colleagues you think would benefit from aligning with the opportunities here at CLA.


Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Your Guide to Transformational Reporting

Read more about how the CORESCORE is an integrated neural efficiency index that is calculated when the INSiGHT technologies are combined in an exam to create a profile. Learn about how this single number index, gives the chiropractor and the patient something to compare to over time.

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Scanning the spine and nervous system is a great idea, however, the greatest benefit occurs when the patient understands the report and commits to a care plan. The second greatest benefit is when the patient refers their family and friends!

How does technology help you accomplish these two monumental tasks?

Simple. First, technology provides the patient a Real Reason To Believe. Hearing the exam outcome from the doctor is necessary, but being able to actually see what the doctor is describing validates in the patient’s mind the need for care. Also, having the ability to track re-exams with the patient further re-enforces the big story of chiropractic. This keeps them coming back and helps increase your retention.

Second, technology is the Dramatic Difference for your practice.

Studies have shown that practices without advanced technology are perceived as being antiquated, behind the times and cheap when it comes to patient care.

Third, technology can Simplify the Communication Process. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”. And pictures that tell a great story empower the patient in wanting to do better, improve and be healthier. And an engaged, committed patient will refer family and friends!

Here’s some examples of what the INSIGHT Technology has done for these doctors:

  • “I had my first health fair using the INSIGHT and secured 15 new patients in one day”, Dr. Jason, Wisconsin.
  • “I’ve seen a 15% rise in my patient retention since integrating the INSIGHT this year”, Dr. Christina, Florida.
  • “My exam and re-exam consultations are now quick, easy and simple with the INSIGHT”, Dr. James, New York

What does this look like in application?

Let’s take a look at the featured image of this article that comes from Dr. Anthony Ebel, pediatric chiropractic expert. The story is raw. A two-year old patient was brought into Dr. Ebel’s office after a year of other therapies and diet changes. The patient’s parents reported their child was mostly non-verbal, had poor to no eye contact, sensory, sleep, and behavioral issues. The road was taking them to a diagnosis of autism that the child’s mother wanted to “get ahead of”. After just 2 months of adjustments with Dr. Ebel the patient is talking more, making eye contact, calmer, sleeping better, and seems overall happier. Not only do we have the physical results, but the parents are actually able to make the connection thanks to INSiGHT technology!

The featured picture is his pre- and post- thermal scans showing clear objective neurological improvement.

Thanks for reading!

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Thrival Guide

Want to change your narrative from survival to thrival? This guide introduces: RELEASE, REVITALIZE, and REOPRGANIZE concepts in order to create space to grow. When you make the Critical Shift you will flip how to be successful in your chiropractic office.

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Question: If HRV can vary from day to day, how can we be assured the performing the measurement at 4-12 week time periods will be an accurate reflection of overall improvement?

I recognize the connection to the chiropractic adjustment having a positive influence on HRV. I have also read and listened to material discussing the daily measurement of HRV in determining state of fatigue and overtraining (specific to athletes). If HRV can vary from day to day, how can we be assured the performing the measurement at 4-12 week time periods will be an accurate reflection of overall improvement?

Answer by Dr. David Fletcher: The combination of HRV and Chiropractic Care are predictors of performance and recovery

You are correct that HRV can be used to identify an “acute” stressor state as in post-exercise or post-trauma (emotional or physical). An HRV reading registers the balance and the activity at the time of the collection. Like BP readings, they can be influenced by situations or environments. Like BP, they also tell a deeper story about the chronicity of the situation at hand. We recommend collection in a quieted state. This is the advantage of using the PWP as a collection instrument.

The simultaneous GSR streaming allows us to confirm low anxiety at time of collection. This precludes testing in a provocative manner such as orthostatic postures etc. and we recommend a 3 hour ”recovery” period post-exercise to allow the body time to ease itself out of the acute state of exercise. If you create a folio of scans after the initial one, you have the ability to track trends and shifts in the movement between PS and S along with a raising or lowering of the AAI. We also recommend that there be a commitment to scan at least 3 times over an initial 12 week window to gain an interpretive upper hand on HRV and the other sensor biometrics.

Back to HRV… when used in post-exercise situations, we are especially looking to see if the rate or pace of recovery is optimal. That means that in certain cases you can scan pre-exercise and watch them post-exercise at timed intervals to track their recovery. A traditional “exercise stressor” would create a Left shift and then ease its way back. The faster the recovery, the healthier the response. To get the baseline in this and any case, the initial scan must be done in the quieted and recovered state.

The real value of HRV interpretation is the ability to observe complex systems achieve a greater sense of ease and balance, especially after they have been stressed. This is described as a state of coherence and is highly desirable as the complex systems become highly efficient and thereby adaptable.

Thanks for reading!

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

The Incredible Value of Chiropractic Screenings

This practical guide provides details on how to use screenings to maximize the opportunity to share the message of chiropractic in your community.

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The new COREscore from CLA represents a powerful and simplified way to measure and report dramatic changes while under chiropractic care. Using the three most important measurements of spinal neural function, the Core Score can be generated in under 10 minutes and will give an accurate index to report from. A complete neural efficiency score collected from surface EMG, paraspinal thermal scans and Heart Rate Variability gives the clinician an accurate snapshot of how chronic stress is affecting the patient’s overall health.

Because the COREscore uses validated, peer reviewed technologies, the practitioner can rely upon this index to report the damaging effects of the subluxation as well as the incredible power that adjustments and lifestyle modifications have in moving a patient towards wellness. The COREscore is versatile in its application. It has been designed to look at the efficiency of central neural processing. Ideally this will show the doctor where stress is being stored and how deeply this neural-spinal stress is changing a patient’s health. By including Heart Rate Variability to the COREscore, the clinician can identify how much resiliency and reserve a patient has left and how balanced the entire autonomic nervous system is.

Efficiency is the Answer

When a patient is scanned using different digital neural sensors, their results are compared against a normative database. Healthy, well-adjusted individuals have very efficient neural processing. Their muscle groups along the spine fire symmetrically and with the correct amplitude. Their autonomic nervous system( Sympathetic motor division) distributes neural impulses to the organs without interference and is in exceptional balance and tone as measured through their heart rate.

Easy, Understandable Reporting

The complex changes brought about by subluxations can be confusing and disturbing to the patient. However, by using the Core Score, the patient can gain an understanding of the importance of chiropractic care without becoming distracted. The COREscore was designed to simplify communication, create an identifiable goal and inspire the patient to take an even more active role in their care.

Here is a sample communication for reporting the COREscore:
“ Daily stresses have a quiet way of settling in and changing a person’s health. Over time, the muscles along the spine can shorten; spinal joints can begin to lock while postures twist and shift. Most importantly, the nerves inside the spine that connect the brain to the body start to be affected. This spinal nerve tension begins to change the core of your body.

Your core is designed in two parts. The first part is situated around your waist and is referred to as your “support core”. It keeps you balanced and upright. Your second core is like the core of an apple. It runs through the center of your body and is referred to as your “communication core”. It connects your brain to all your body functions. This part of your core keeps you alive, healthy and vital.

We have taken three different tests along this communication core. These tests measure how efficiently your nerve connections inside the core are working. We have measured how signals from the brain flow through the muscles that move and support you. We have looked to see if tiny temperature variations are occurring along the spine. The nerves that regulate your temperature, control your inner organs. Finally we have tested your heart rate to see if your daily stress loads are affecting your ability to cope. All the data from these tests is put together and then complex calculations are then made to create your Core Score. Your score tells us how much interference is in your communication core and how we can begin to help you.

The COREscore is based on a scale from 0- 100. The higher the number, the better the communication along those important nerves. You scored XX which places you in the “ challenged” category. This means that daily stress has become a constant habit. Let’s look at where your stress has built up and discuss what we can do to change that”. (A quick review of the sEMG pattern graph of the can reveal where the distribution of the motor control is being affected; The raw data sEMG graph can be used to discuss overall fatigue; the rolling thermal scan is an ideal way to bring interference and organ function into the discussion; HRV is powerful for reviewing the principle of adaptation and to discuss the “adrenalined –up” response to stress).

CLA’s latest innovation links today’s most important spinal-nerve analysis with simplified patient communication. The COREscore is a fast and inspiring way for doctors to tell the story of chiropractic through the function of the nervous system. Using the COREscore will impact the quality of patient communications while developing a culture of loyalty and retention.

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Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Thrival Guide

Want to change your narrative from survival to thrival? This guide introduces: RELEASE, REVITALIZE, and REOPRGANIZE concepts in order to create space to grow. When you make the Critical Shift you will flip how to be successful in your chiropractic office.

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Circumstances create leadership opportunities. This past week has been tumultuous for our dear friends and colleagues along the East coast. Hurricane or Super Storm Sandy devastated or interrupted millions of lives and businesses. Our thoughts, prayers and messages of hope are sent to everyone affected.

Now is the time when the leadership gene inside of all chiropractors could be activated. Our company, the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance, CLA, sits in the epicenter of this chaos and damage. Our New Jersey offices missed the direct hit but our team members, like most other NJ or NY residents got blasted. Their homes and properties were damaged and at this writing, several are still without light and heat.

A bit further down the coast, on Staten Island, a wonderful chiropractor Dr. Rich Bove, shared the incredulous story of what devastation looks and feels like. He has no practice left. His home and office were spared but his practice members and their homes are literally missing, swept away or crushed. My office manager, Linda, was brought to tears as Rich shared his traumatic message. It’s time for the rest of us to choose a leadership role as never before.

The stress of seeing a Katrina or Sandy plow through a community becomes another sound bite or video clip in the milieu of messages we get every day. However, these life events leave indelible stains on the fabric of everyone’s health and well being. Let me tell you, from my experience, this is far too real to sweep under the rug. Patients from every corner of America, Canada or elsewhere in the world are affected by the images of the world’s most important city being swamped and burned. Add to this the divisive national vote about to happen today, November 6, 2012 and there is more than a sense of distraction that overwhelms the senses.

Hit the pause button on your busy life for just a moment. Reflect on the present and the near past. Ask yourself how your footprint on the world affects everyone else and take a stand for what is true and right. Healing begins from within. We are the hope and the message for a safer and brighter future within healthcare.

Chiropractic was built on the goodness of trust. As chiropractors, we trust the healing capacities of every patient we adjust. We trust and protect the very right to practice in our own unique way and we rely on the trust of families to bring their children and loved ones to us so that we may do what we do best: arouse the Innate response from within and care for people when they need us the most.

Chiropractors are a hopeful breed. We see more of the future than the past. Now is the time to show that we care. Reach out to the stressed and depressed in your communities. Help them understand and experience their own personal power. Open the door of possibility to all people. Tear down the barriers of insurance dependency. Shine your light on a drugless solution. Use the amazing tools that help communicate the devastating effects of the subluxation. Call out to friends or colleagues who are struggling. Hurricanes or not, we all need stronger communities to live in. Chiropractic can be the center of healing in your community. Unshackle your vision of what can be accomplished and get busy. There are lives at stake and you hold the starter’s pistol for their race towards wellness.

CLA’s name includes the word “Leadership”. We have led the chiropractic profession with our technologies and training programs. The time has come in my life to ask our many thousands of clients and Total Solution graduates to show the world that there is a profession that cares more than anyone could even begin to imagine.

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Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Adaptation Guide

Use this guide to create your ideal plan and stay focused on your path ahead. Follow the 3 R’s for attracting and managing patients and realize you have the tools you need to be “the go to Chiropractor” in your community.

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One of the major requirements for maintaining a successful chiropractic practice is building strong patient relationships that result in lifetime advocates of chiropractic and strong referrals. To accomplish this, it is necessary to engage in techniques that build patient loyalty.

What is the best way to build patient loyalty? First it is important to consider the patient experience at your practice. This begins with anticipating the wants and needs of your patients, and managing their perception of your practice to ensure a positive take-away. One of our INSiGHT doctors, Dr. Dave Hanson of Hanson family Chiropractic sets the bar high at doing just this. Watch this video if you want to see a great example of patient loyalty.

Obviously, you’ll need to ensure that your office is clean and welcoming, as well as make sure the environment reflects your practice’s commitment to whole-body wellness. Offering healthy refreshments to guests and patients can help them feel like they have entered a place that wants the best for them and their health. Providing fun and simple activities for children can also signify your care and commitment to wellness for all generations. Something as simple as a coloring book and a few crayons can provide a very open and welcome atmosphere without cluttering or taking away from your practice environment.

First impressions are important, and a consultation is the first opportunity for a chiropractor to start a relationship with potential patients. Addressing any of the patient’s misconceptions of chiropractic care and emphasizing its importance is an important part of the consultation process and initial meeting. Stressing the need for a healthy nervous system through the benefits of adjustment can help to build faith in the chiropractic process and set the stage for a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Ideally, the patient should walk away from their consultation with a sense that your practice can help guide them to more complete whole-body health, and be excited about the possibilities of chiropractic care.

If during the consultation you feel that the patient may have any reservations, or is not understanding any important concepts, then it is advised to ask them questions on their own health and wellness philosophy and concerns. If the patient feels like their concerns were listened to and addressed, they will be much more likely to take advantage of your services.

Networking with community health organizations can also be an effective means of both increasing visibility and showcasing to patients your practice’s commitment to building a healthier community. For example, hospitals in Vermont have partnered with local farmers’ markets in “prescribing” fresh fruit and vegetable to patients. This system is a win-win-win for providers, patients, and farmers, and can be adopted by your practice to aid patients who need nutritional coaching.

Of course, chiropractors need a means of being able to show their patients concrete evidence that their care is improving the patient’s health. Chiropractic care can take time to have an impact, leading some patients to doubt its efficacy. Fortunately, these is a solution to this challenge with the COREscore™ provided by CLA’s INSIGHT™ system. The COREscore™ allows both the doctor and the patient to track the effectiveness of treatment and produces a detailed chiropractic report of findings that patients can use as a building block to map their progress as they pursue a healthy lifestyle.

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Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.

Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

Utilizing Heart Rate Variability in a Chiropractic Practice

This e-book provides an overview of how to assess a patient’s adaptive reserve through the use of heart rate variability scan technology. A description of how HRV is tracked is provided in this comprehensive guide. It describes the how vertebral subluxations can be measured over time.

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