As you know, our nervous system adapts and reorganizes itself over time… it’s constantly learning! This journey requires patience, understanding, time, and guidance through carefully crafted care plans to help your patient navigate effectively and see their progress.

But what do we do if our patient’s neurological progress scan gets ‘worse’ before it gets better?

When faced with unexpected results, it’s crucial to remember that the nervous system is incredibly complex and dynamic! It doesn’t operate on a linear path of improvement. Instead, it undergoes a process of reorganization that is both necessary and beneficial for long-term wellness and optimal performance. This process can be likened to what I like to call the “cluttered closet analogy”.

The Cluttered Closet Analogy

We all have a linen closet that seems to work. But we also know that if we were to take the time to reorganize it, it could become a lot more efficient. 

Here are the 4 stages of the cluttered closet re-organization process:

  • Phase 1: Recognition – Just like recognizing a cluttered closet in your home, the first step is acknowledging that the nervous system is cluttered with dysfunctions and compensations.

  • Phase 2: Unpacking – To organize a closet, you must first take everything out. Similarly, the nervous system begins to “unpack” these dysfunctions, which can temporarily reflect as lower scores on scans.

  • Phase 3: Reorganization – With everything out in the open, you can then begin to put things back in a more organized manner. The nervous system, too, starts to reorganize itself, laying the groundwork for improved function and health.

  • Phase 4: Improvement – Just as a newly organized closet functions better, the nervous system, once reorganized, operates more efficiently, leading to improved scores and overall well-being.

Understanding and embracing this process is crucial for both chiropractors and patients. It’s a reminder that sometimes, things might seem to get worse before they get better. A lower score on a second scan doesn’t necessarily indicate a setback, it is a sign that the nervous system is actively working through its “unpacking” phase. This is a critical step towards achieving a more organized and efficient state.

Communicating with Patients

Our role as chiropractors extends beyond adjustments and scans… we are also educators and guides for our patients on their journey to better performance! When discussing scan results, especially those that might seem discouraging, it’s important to:

  • Use analogies like the cluttered closet to simplify complex processes.

  • Reassure patients that temporary dips in scores are part of the healing process.

  • Encourage patience and persistence, emphasizing the long-term benefits of chiropractic care.

Remember, the reorganization process is a testament to the body’s incredible ability to heal and improve itself. By embracing this process and communicating effectively with our patients, we can support them through their ups and downs, leading them towards better health and well-being.

Patience and Persistence: Keys to Navigating Change

It’s crucial to remind ourselves and our patients that this phase is temporary and a positive sign of progress. Here are a few tips to navigate this journey with grace:

  1. Stay Informed: Understanding the science behind the reorganization process can help set realistic expectations and foster a positive mindset.

  2. Embrace Patience: Recognize that healing and improvement take time. The body’s processes are intricate and require patience.

  3. Keep Communicating: Open lines of communication between patients and healthcare providers are vital. Sharing concerns and achievements can make the journey less daunting.

  4. Focus on the Long-Term Goal: Remember, the ultimate aim is lasting improvement and well-being. Short-term fluctuations are part of the journey.

Understanding and embracing the reorganization phase can significantly impact our approach. Let’s continue to support each other with patience, knowledge, and encouragement as we help our patients navigate these changes together.

Chat with our team to get started with INSiGHT scanning today, or click here to take our Practice Blocker Quiz to find out if scanning is right for you.

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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“There is no process which does not require time.” 

This profound statement is the 6th Principle in Chiropractic, and it carries immense significance for your practice. This principle reminds us that healing and wellness are journeys, not instant fixes. Embracing this concept can fundamentally transform how we approach patient care and retention.

The essence of what we do through each adjustment is amplified in a care plan. A care plan is all about using time to our advantage, shifting our mindset from days and weeks to months and years.

You can read more about care planning and my ‘Rule Of 12’ strategy over here.

Time also means something else in a thriving chiropractic practice… patient loyalty!

Loyal patients are not only more likely to adhere to care plans but also to refer others, creating a ripple effect of performance and wellness in the community. But how do we cultivate this loyalty? It begins with delivering an exceptional patient experience from the very first interaction.

Imagine walking into your practice as a patient. Is it clean, welcoming, and radiating wellness? First impressions matter, and the initial consultation is where we set the stage for a lasting relationship. This is your opportunity to address any misconceptions about chiropractic care, emphasize the importance of a well performing nervous system, and outline the journey toward optimal wellness.

Demonstrating the effectiveness of our adjustments can be challenging, but this is where the principle of time comes into play. It’s critical that we look at the entire patient journey from initial scan, to progress scan, to comparative, and continuation.

Using the CORESCORE sequence with INSiGHT scanning makes this easy. The CORESCORE provides a concrete, visual representation of a patient’s progress, making the invisible visible. 

Remember, creating lifetime chiropractic advocates isn’t an overnight task. It requires time, consistent effort, and, most importantly, genuine care for your patients. By aligning with the 6th Principle and leveraging tools like the CORESCORE reporting sequence, we can foster deeper connections, enhance patient retention, and ultimately, build a loyal patient base that advocates for chiropractic wellness.

Chat with our team to get started today, or click here to take our Practice Blocker Quiz to find out if scanning is right for you.

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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In today’s digital age, patients increasingly expect detailed, visual, and digital reports about the performance of their nervous system and how it is affecting their overall wellness and performance.
Gone are the days of simplistic explanations like “Bone Out Pinches Nerve.” Demonstrating the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments can be challenging, but with the scan reports, we can provide clarity and build trust.
One of the best ways you can do this is by leveraging the CORESCORE sequence with INSiGHT scanning, a reporting sequence that provides you with a concrete, visual representation of a patient’s progress from the initial scan to progress scans, comparisons, and ongoing care.
With the INSiGHT you can generate an entire sequence of CORESCORE reports that were designed by chiropractic experts to help explain in simple-to-understand language where your patient is at in their journey. This powerful sequence of reports helps patients see and understand the improvements in their nervous system, reinforcing their commitment to ongoing care. In our Synapse software you have the option of creating an Adult and a Children’s CORESCORE.

Remember, creating lifetime chiropractic advocates isn’t an overnight task. It requires consistent, ongoing care planning using a sequence of reports that make the journey transparent to your patient so they can be excited about their progress. 

Chat with our team to learn how you can start leveraging tools like the CORESCORE reporting sequence to foster deeper connections, enhance patient retention, and ultimately, build a loyal patient base that advocates for chiropractic wellness.

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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CLA understands the challenges chiropractors face in providing comprehensive care while effectively communicating the intricacies of the nervous system to their patients. That’s why we developed the INSiGHT neuroTECH, a powerful suite of three scanning instruments designed to elevate your practice and improve patient outcomes. The INSiGHT’s scanning technology combined with our powerful Synapse software provides a thorough assessment of your patient’s nervous system, giving you the insights you need to deliver exceptional care.

Transform Your Patient Interactions with Synapse and neuroLINK

An integral part of the INSiGHT scanning system is our Synapse software, which includes an array of features to streamline diagnostics and enhance patient education. Among these features is neuroLINK, an innovative tool designed to bridge the gap between complex neurological data and patient understanding. A version of neuroLINK is also available within the myINSiGHT software platform. 

neuroLINK is a dynamic patient education tool that illustrates the neural connections between the spine and end organs. It highlights affected spinal nerves,connecting them to the end organs and then, with a simple click, pulls up published chiropractic research related to outcomes in that organ group.


Changing the Conversation: From Symptoms to Systemic Wellness

Using the neuroLINK on your iPad during patient consultations can revolutionize the way you communicate scan results. You’ll  be able to guide the conversation towards how the nervous system controls various bodily functions. This approach helps patients grasp the broader impact of their spinal health on overall wellness and performance.

Why INSiGHT Scanning with neuroLINK is Essential for Your Practice

  1. Comprehensive Nervous System Assessment: The INSiGHT neuroTECH, with its three advanced scanning devices, provides a detailed analysis of the nervous system.

  2. Engaging Patient Education: neuroLINK transforms complex neurological data into easy-to-understand visuals, making it simpler for patients to understand their condition 

  3. Improved Patient Communication: Shift the focus from symptoms to the root causes, helping patients understand the importance of spinal health in overall wellness.

  4. Enhanced Patient Commitment: Educated patients are more likely to commit to their care plans and understand the value of ongoing chiropractic care.

Integrating INSiGHT scanning and the neuroLINK into your practice not only enhances your diagnostic capabilities, but also enriches your patient interactions. Empower your patients with knowledge and foster a deeper understanding of their nervous system with our cutting-edge technology.

For more information about INSiGHT scanning and how neuroLINK can transform your patient care, chat with our team or click here to take our Practice Blocker Quiz to find out if scanning is right for you.

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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Digital reporting is a reality in today’s health care. When was the last time someone handed you a brochure or a printed report?

Our Synapse platform is designed to revolutionize your workflow and improve patient communication so you can keep patient’s focused on what really matters… their neurological performance.

Here are some of the many powerful digital features:

Here are some of the many powerful features:

Easily mark up scans directly on your iPad!

Synapse reports can be easily marked up using the iPad. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a Report in Synapse: Begin by opening any report within the Synapse platform on your iPad.

  2. Access the Share Menu: In the top right corner of the screen, select the share button.

  3. Select iBooks: Scroll through the options until you find the iBooks icon and tap on it.

  4. Mark Up Your Report: Once the report is open in iBooks, you can use the pen and highlighter functions to make edits. This allows you to highlight specific areas you want your patient to focus on or make any necessary annotations.

  5. Share the Marked-Up Report: After making your edits, you can easily share the marked-up report with your patient through various methods:

    • iMessage: Send the report directly to your patient via iMessage.

    • AirDrop: Quickly share the file with nearby Apple devices using AirDrop.

    • Email: Attach the edited report to an email and send it directly to your patient.

This feature is designed to enhance your workflow and improve communication with your patients by providing clear and precise visual information. We hope you find this functionality useful in your daily practice.

Share Reports Digitally!

Ready to share a Synapse report with your patient? Simply tap the ‘share report’ button, and a PDF is generated within Synapse, ready for you to share your report to your patient’s phone through iMessage, Air Drop, or email.

Scan Offline!

With our latest software technology, Synapse XLE, you’re able to access the Quick Scan feature without needing an internet connection! This “offline mode” is perfect when you’re demonstrating INSiGHT scanning at a conference or event where WiFi is not available. 

By incorporating these features into your practice, you can enhance your workflow and ensure that your patients receive clear, precise information. This not only saves you time but also improves the overall patient experience!

Chat with our team to get started today, or click here to take our Practice Blocker Quiz to find out if scanning is right for you.

Get Started with INSiGHT Scanning

Take our Free Practice Strategy Assessment. A Personalized Guide and Expert Strategy Call to Help Determine How Scanning will Help you Grow

Dr. David Fletcher is actively involved in all aspects of innovation teaching and research connected to the INSiGHT™ scanning technologies. He is widely recognized for his ability to share his expertise in compelling and easy to understand ways.

Dr David is a renowned chiropractor who practiced for many years with his associates in a scan-centric thriving principled family-based practice in Toronto. He is a sought-after teacher mentor and keynote speaker who takes every opportunity to share the wisdom and the power of chiropractic as it is meant to be.
Dr. David Fletcher
DC FRCCSS(C) – Founder & CEO CLA Inc.

INSiGHT Communication Guide

This quick read covers the importance of communicating clearly and simply to your practice members.

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